003. steve mother fucking harrington

Start from the beginning

"Okay, so there's this new girl in my class and holy moly is she bloody beautiful." Bella pauses, her cheeks blushing red when Grace cocks an eyebrow, giving Bella a look. "What...what I meant was that she is really pretty." The girl tries to play it off cool but Grace laughs at her, touching Bella's hand. 

"It's okay, you can tell me if she's that beautiful. You can tell me anything, I will never, ever judge you, Izzy." Grace is the only person who calls Isabella, Izzy, it doesn't bother Bella either, she quite likes it. 

"She's pretty and her hair is liked bright red but it's natural and her name is Max and she plays video games and skateboards. She's really cool." Bella smiles a little, putting a mouthful of all three ice creams into her mouth. Grace smiles a little, "But also, Miss McDonald has a new mug and she already smashed it. She was grabbing a pop quiz, nailed it by the way, and knocked the whole thing with coffee off the desk. It was very funny, what happened at your school."

"New kid, his name is Billy and he's like really hot. Tina says he has an amazing ass but I can't agree, it's astronomically hot. He is like challenging my major crush on Steve Harrington by the way." Bella gasps, placing her hand on her chest. 

"What?" She exclaims. "Your crush on Steve mother fucking Harrington is being challenged by Billy? I must see this boy." Grace smiles a little. "No, I see what you mean, Steve is hot and his hair... oh my jesus, it looks so soft but like he seems like an asshole, you know, and it's sort of basic having a crush on him because all girls have a crush on him but he still went for Nancy Wheeler, a wheeler, I keep saying all those Wheelers do is break heart and I'll laugh in his face when his heart is broken by her." 

"You don't even know Steve." The Livley girl shakes her head, pursing her lips. "And he's my age so like, back off. I'm also not basic for having a crush on him, your basic for not having a crush on him." 

"Your 19 and he's only just turned 18. Sounds like a pervy move to me." Bella tuts, slurping on her milkshake. Grace slaps her arm playfully and its not light touch so Bella doesn't feel the need to pull away, shaking her head and climbing out of the seat. "Just stating facts Gracie." 

"Your an asshole Sinclair." Grace shakes her head, annoyed at the girl as she walks back around the counter as a group of teenagers from Hawkins high enter the parlour laughing. Bella recognises them and so does Grace but they don't say anything as the group of teenagers order ice creams and then leave. 

"Your the only asshole, Livley." Bella shakes her head, finishing her ice cream sundae and climbing out of her bench and heading home. Grace shakes her head with a smile, watching as Bella walks down the street and out of sight. 


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{980 words}

I AM FEEDING YALL TODAY! short ass chapter but it's just a filler lol, I also wanted to clarify that Max and Bella will not date this season. Their love trope is slow burn but they are both in love but Max is taken by Lucas and everything, they flirt and stuff and Bella is like completely on her knees for Max, just like me, but like yeah. 

Gonna start doing this now, look at this picture of my wife, Sadie. 

she's so pretty holy moly

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she's so pretty holy moly. 


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