The start of something new

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It's my first day at The Global Sparks Academy For Littles, my previous school expelled me for not listening and being mean to my classmates, so I'm extremely nervous about how this will go, I mean like it's not my fault they were always rude to me. I packed my bags with all of my cutest clothes and toys. It was a two hour drive to the school but when I arrived at the steps, it was quite literally the most beautiful place I have ever seen. As I walked through the glass doors, there were so many things to see, the entry hall was full of seating places, which included a mix between chairs, beanbags, pillows and couches, there were also so many toys and soo many people..

I went to the admin, her name was Autumn she seemed really nice and took me to see the principal Mister Prescott, I waited outside till I was called into his office. He was a tall man with eyes that felt like he saw straight through you and the way he spoke told me that he was extremely dominant "So Miss Andrews, your past record shows me that you are extremely bratty, know that if and when you act out you will be punished either by your dominant/daddy or by the head of the floor that you will be on, positive behavior will he rewarded though, as it is your first day, I have assigned someone to escort you around the school and show you around." as he said that there was a knock on the door, which was followed by a tall man, he seemed slightly nicer than Mr Prescott but anyone with working eyes could see that he wasn't someone to mess with "Sorry to interrupt sir, I was just checking if the new student had arrived yet and it appears that she has" he bent down to my height and gently patted my head "You must be Storm, am i correct?" I looked at him as if I had seen a ghost, "It's Stormy and do not pat my head like I'm a puppy again, understood?" I raised my voice when i spoke to him and his eyes looked as if he was thinking of all the ways he could punish me "You do not speak to me like that again, do you understand me? That is strike one, three strikes and you will be punished." he looked back to the principal and checked through my file, when he was done, he placed it back onto the table "I'll now take her around the school, if that is alright Liam" the principal looked up to him and nodded in approval, the principal looked back to me and with a stern voice said "This is Terry, you will do as he says, when he says so and if you do not, he will be allowed to punish you. Have a good first day and if any issues arise then my office door is always open Stormy, welcome to Global Sparks Academy" and with that Terry took my hand and we walked out.

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