•{|Chapter One: Rabbit Rescue|}•

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It was a bright sunny morning in the Hidden Kingdom. The Big Green was enjoying they're slumber in they're beds, especially Mighty Ray who was snoring loudly in his sleep while the others slept. The sun's radiant light shined against the HQ of Big Green, the sunlight slipping through the many windows around it. Lin Chung was in his own bed fast asleep, still and motionless, as if dead. The dark surroundings of his room was evident and there was no sign of light around him at all, his breathing was slow and steady and he seemed oddly calm and peaceful, no sign of motion at all from his body. As he continued to sleep he heard multiple noises from outside his door along with the loud yet energetic voices of Might Ray as well as Mystique Sonia, causing him to make a small flinch from the booming sounds of they're voices.


"I had it first!" Yelled Mighty Ray as Sonia held a dumpling high in the air away from the shorter man. "No I had it! Yaksha found it for me! Stop trying to steal it!" She yelled back as she began to struggle with trying to keep Ray away from the dumpling. As the two kept bickering Lin Chung's calmed expression soon began to sneer into that of an annoyed one, his teeth gritting as his eyebrows narrowed into an irritated snarl. "You'll wake up Lin if you don't shut up! Do you want us to be in trouble with him?! He's not feeling quite well so please do us all a favor and STOP IT!-" Sonia shouted at the end of the sentence. Lin only ignored his irritation and sighed calmly as he opened his eyes. As his eyes opened they're were his normal panther like pupils and irises, but they were more emotionless. When he continued to hear the two bicker more, he simply sighed and got out of bed, him still in his usual attire and his body almost seeming frail yet still well. His hair was frizzy and messy and he began to scratch the itchy spot on the side of his neck, two red dots poking through his almost entirely pale skin. With a loud yawn and big stretch he looked in a mirror he took from Sonia that he had under his bed and looked in his reflection. "AH!" Lin yelped as he looked horrified at his reflection, his fangs exposed and huge, his eyes big and almost dead with huge evident bags under his eyes and him looking like a living corpse rather than a normal man. "Oh no...I-I can't show myself to the others! If they saw me like this they'll be terrified!" He continued as his eyes shook with horror and shock at his appearance and he immediately dropped the mirror and went around his room for things to use to hide his rather scary appearance. He scrambled and frantically panicked as he searched for things to use and he hurriedly brushed his frizzy and wildered hair, massaged his face and tried to keep his eyes from looking too suspicious, the only thing that remained was his skin and teeth. "My teeth...t-they're growing!" He said in fear as he immediately covered his mouth but then was interrupted by a knock and voice from outside his door. It was Commander ApeTrully. "Lin Chung? Are you alright??? Mystique Sonia and Mighty Ray told me that they heard some odd commotions coming from your room, are you sure you're fine? If you still feel ill I can come and help you!" Suggested ApeTrully but Lin kept his fangs covered and tried to fix them. "N-NO! I'm fine...I-I'm just not doing any better! I want to be alone to myself please!" He said anxiously as he finally got his fangs to hide in his mouth, him sighing silently in relief. "Oh! Alright then, still tho if you feel worse just come to me! I'll be of good assistance to your sickness!" ApeTrully replied with reassurance as Lin quietly went up to the door with his ear against it, listening to his voice. "I really do hope he feels better soon..." Sonia spoke, a sense of hurt in her voice, Lin frowned a bit from hearing her sadness and sighed as he went back to his bed and sat trying to think. "I can't keep lying to them like this...sooner or later I have to come clean...! I feel so ashamed..." Lin whispered to himself as he held his head down with guilt as be covered his face.


Jumpy GhostFace hopped to the others that was at Lin's bedroom door, seeming to be in distress of something. "Oh hi Jumpy! What's the matter???" Asked Mighty Ray, "Rabbits in trouble! HighRoller attack rabbits!" He spoke out, the others looked shocked yet determined to stop HighRoller at his antics. They all rushed to they're stations ready to launch out of big green, but Sonia then realized that Lin wasn't with them. "Lin Chung! We have to stop HighRoller from attacking the rabbits, cmon!" She yelled back, but no response ever came from the room, so she only sighed and went along with the others out of the base and to the Rabbit Kingdom. "Where's Lin Chung?!" Asked Ray, "He didn't respond when I called for him! He minus well be too SICK to fight!" Sonia replied, Jumpy looking at her with confusion yet worry for Lin Chung's so called "sickness." As Lin heard the others leave, be carefully opened his bedroom door, since he was quite the tallest one in the group, he had no problems with anything in the HQ. He glared around his surroundings and eventually poked his head out, his eyes scanning around the area for any of the others. With a sigh of relief he stepped out, walking around the base for anything to eat or just to walk around. He saw some dumplings Sonia made and sniffed them, smiling at the smell he took a bite but his eyes shot open with stunned and shaking pupils as he immediately covered his mouth looking disgusted. "Why can't I eat normal food?! All I crave is....B-BLOOD! Why blood?!" He thought before he got up and went to bathroom to cough up the said dumpling he ate, trembling with disgust as he looked at himself in the mirror. "What happening to me...? Ever since that battle with the Bat Kingdom I've become this-...THING. This horrific freak of nature itself!" He said as he banged his fists on the floor gritting his teeth in rage before realizing how aggressive he's getting and stopping himself before he could put a hole in the floor beneath him. "What am I gonna do...? I'm stuck with this...curse. FOREVER!!!" He shouted as he gripped on his hair out of rage and began to tear up. "Maybe I can still be normal! Maybe there's a chance I can still be the normal me!" He said with confidence before getting up and walking to his station and going down the pipe to the outside.

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