פירגון (Hebrew: Firgun)

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Dearest Tink, 

Writing to you has always been the easiest. There's no second-guessing, hesitation, and definitely a lack of a brain-mouth filter.

People are inspirational. This is a fact. The trouble is that what we define as inspirational isn't necessarily the same as others.

Inspiration is undoubtedly loud, glorious and powerful. But it's also quiet, small and short-lived. It can be a kind word, a funny joke, a gentle memory, or a telephone conversation of the tiny achievements. It's remarkable what can inspire people. 

To me? You're inspiring. 

Inspiring, breathtaking and just magnificent. My love, you are my one true wonder.

From the delightful insights you make, the truly terrible wordplay you adore, the weirdest discussions we share, to your attention to detail and organisation. I love it all.

But it's also the little things. The hair flips, the giggles, the blushing, the hilarity, the comfort, and that you are so incredibly human to me. Human and full of emotions.

I love hearing about your shopping trips and 'incredible discoveries'. The sewing projects which melt my heart. The fact that you work yourself to the bone (strong disapproval), but only because you believe in humanity. 

You, despite your murderous tendencies, still look for the good in people. You continue to heal people at great personal cost. You strive to listen to those who are in pain. You care for those that most lose faith in.

You, my dear Tink, embody the spirit of פירגון.

My Hope since the day we first met, I hope that one day I can truly show you what you mean to us all. Till then, I shall tell you just a bit more every day. 

Forever and always. 

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