He nodded slowly. "I hope so.. Or maybe not. But what if we're just stuck here?"

"My life won't end in an elevator with Steve Harrington, that's for sure. Now that  would be embarrassing."

"Such a bad look."

You and Steve stayed up to chat for a while until you went down to sleep. 

You woke up by Dustin speaking to the walkie-talkie and Steve telling him to stop. You yawned and stayed in the corner where you had been sleeping. 

"What, you think Petey the mall cop is gonna rappel down here and save the day?" Steve disappeared up to the elevator's roof with Dustin.

"All right, why are you such a cranky pants after getting to spend the night with (Y/N)?"

"Shh! Jesus Christ." Steve hushed him.

"I heard you guys talking all night."

"Yeah. We were trying to figure out a way to open up the door while you children were sleeping. After eight hours, we're still exactly nowhere, which is, you know, probably just a little bit of the reason why I'm feeling just a... tad cranky." 

You yawned again. It seemed like the duo always were louder than they realized. Robin was already up and working at the elevator's buttons. You rose to your feet and said good morning.

"No progress." She sighed. 

"Look away!" Steve's voice echoed through the hatch before you and Robin's attention turned to the stream of urine seeping into the inside of the elevator. Wow.

"Can you redirect your stream, please?" Robin asked. 

And he did... "Ugh", you groaned and looked away. 

CLONK CLONK CLONK - it was Erica hitting the container against a metal edge. 

"Erica! Hey, be careful with that. We don't even know what that is!" You snatched it from her. 

"Exactly, it could be useful." She explained. "We can survive a long time down here without food, but if the human body doesn't get water, it will die."

"I, uh, hate to break it to you, but this", you held the green fluid in front of her, "is not water." 

"No, but it's a liquid, and if it comes to me drinking that shit or dying of thirst, I drink." She said as she smiled with sarcasm and took the container back. 

You scoffed and rolled your eyes. Then you all three heard some distant electronic whirring. Robin stood up on the boxes underneath the hatch to warn Steve and Dustin about the company.

"Get up here, then!" Steve said and Robin did. Next up was Erica and you helped lift her up to reach the opening. 

"You gotta move the boxes!" Dustin said as he looked down at you. The group had stacked two cartons on top of each other to reach the hatch. 

"How am I supposed to get up, then?"

"I'll pull you, hurry." Robin said as you heard the whirring come closer. You swallowed and moved a box to make it look less suspicious. Then you stretched your arms up to reach the edges and braced yourself. Hop. You pulled your body weight up until your upper body was over the ceiling. Then Robin took your hand and helped you up to your feet before closing the hatch. 

You all sat quiet as the door opened. Russian voices. They didn't notice you. Steve got a great idea and grabbed the container from Erica. When the electric door started to shut down, he quickly jumped back into the elevator and blocked the gate from closing with the container. 

"Let's go." He said and the group jumped down after him. He crouched by the tiny opening between the gate and floor. "Go, go, go, go, go." Erica swung her body under. "Henderson, go, go." Dustin also slid under and Robin followed. "Go, (Y/L/N)." The container started making cracking noises. 

"Yeah, yeah, come on." You said with a muffled voice as you slid through the gap and sat up on the floor to make sure that Steve also made it out - and he just barely did. The container cracked just a second after. The liquid turned out to be some corrosive acid, melting the floor underneath. 

"Jesus Christ." He said as you both stood up. 

"Ohhh..." Erica groaned. 

"... You still wanna drink that?" You asked her.

"Holy mother of god." The group turned around to see why Dustin just said that. It turned out to be a seemingly endless corridor, and the only direction to walk in. 

"Well... hope you guys are in good shape." Steve said before he pushed past Dustin and patted his shoulder on the way. "Looking at you, roast beef."

You all hesitated when he started to walk but then followed.

Dustin looked at you and Robin and asked, "Why me?" None of you answered.

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