"AGHH?...how'd you know?..." You heard a raspy voice from afar.

You turned to see an ugly demon with claws like an animal and fur covered all over its body.

"Know what?"

"Heh..so you don't then.." Just then you heard the sound of a wolf. A howl.

You quickly turned your head to see a wolf charging at you!

"Wind breathing..first form! Dust whirlwind cutter!"

You thought as you held up your sword and dashed at the wolf. This was no ordinary wolf, it was like it was being manipulated by that demon.

The wolf tried to claw you but you got to it first cutting off its paws and head.

"Oh..that was sad. Oh well, let's see you try this then!" The demon pointed towards you and you heard the sound of rustling come from all over.

You saw four foxes jump out from the trees.

"Seventh form! Gale sudden gusts!"

You spun your body around to cut all the foxes that came at you

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

You spun your body around to cut all the foxes that came at you.

"Huh?!..no bother..I'll see if you can last with this one!!" The demon cackled and yelled loudly.

Suddenly heard loud rustling like a big animal was coming.

You readied yourself and your eyes widened when you saw a tall black bear in front of you.

You got to your stance quickly as the bear raised its claws before you.

"SIXTH FORM! Black wind mountain mist!"

You swung directly up slicing the bear in half. It was traumatizing to say the least.

"Oh no! And that was my strongest one!" The demon worried as he watched you run over to him.

With no hesitation aimed for the demons neck. That's when a wild dog appeared out of no where biting onto your sword. You tried to break free from it but it wasn't working!

"Hah! Now I'll kill you!" The demon held its fist aiming for your head. You ducked down to avoid the impact but the dogs grip on your blade was so tight it snapped.

'Dang it! I wasn't careful enough to land in a proper stance to get away!'

You scolded in your mind as you cut the head of the dog and snuck up behind the demon.

"Uh oh.."

Uh oh was right. You sliced the head off with the only half of your sword you had left.

Just great!


"So you broke your sword Eh?" You were back at headquarters and seated in front of Sanemi with your head down low of shame.

You felt awful because you broke your sword to such a weak demon.

"I'm sorry for being so care free..I guess I underestimated my opponent.." You said. You head still hung low.

"Well your just going to have to get a new one. As a punishment for losing your sword to a pathetic demon your going to run 10 miles." You looked up and nodded.

"Nothing you should feel bad about, although, you do need to keep your guard up no matter the cause.." He explained.

"Ok!..but where exactly do I get a new sword?" You asked, you just thought they bring you new swords.

(Which they do, but since I'm lazy to explain it I'm going to say you have to go get a new one lol😜)

"Well, the swordsman village. Where the hell else you gonna get one?"

End of chapter 13 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Together Forever~|| Genya x Reader || Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ