First Impressions

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Author's Notes


I apologise in advance for the terrible writing, I was also too excited to properly edit this so there may be a few mistakes. I haven't written in a while so this can be very cringe at times and I know this isn't really the best first chapter, so please comment some constructive criticism :D

As an assassin, being hired by someone from the society's highest echelon wasn't a common occurrence for Lilac. Naturally, contacting a mysterious, unidentified assassin who is rarely even seen would be extremely difficult, especially when you belonged to the higher ranks and had likely never even heard about his crimes. On the rare occasion though, some people could manage to pull a few strings with their connections and locate the assassin, just as he had finished completing another one of his contracts. So it came off as a total surprise to Lilac when he was hired by someone from the Yogurt family, the wealthiest people in the country.

Plain Yogurt was rather creative with his request to kill his brother. He offered to pay Lilac handsomely if he agreed to pose as Yogurt Cream's bodyguard for a few days before finally ending his life. Lilac was honestly impressed by the idea, there wouldn't be anyone protecting Yogurt Cream to keep the assassin from doing his job, and he would be the closest person to his target, which could also allow him to gain some personal information. So he agreed on the condition that Plain Yogurt would ensure that he wouldn't get caught, which is why he was now following his employer through the grand corridors of the Yogurt mansion to meet his new target.

The hallways seemed to stretch longer and longer with each step Lilac took on the marble floors. It was like a maze filled with different hues of purple and lavender, sometimes accented with sparkling gold or pristine white. Most of the hallways were filled with arches on the roof or walls, decorated with detailed designs of the usual color palette, sometimes even adorned with a few gems that would sparkle under the glowing crystal-like chandeliers that hung from the ceiling.

Lilac found it unusual, how quiet everything was for a mansion that belonged to a supposedly large family, the only sound in the air being his and Plain Yogurt's footsteps. They would occasionally run into a few servants who seemed to be preparing for a large gathering, though they would always stay silent, not even making eye contact with Plain Yogurt. But it wasn't awkward for any of them, and neither of them enjoyed making small talk either, so they didn't make an effort to break the silence.

So after passing different grand staircases and wide hallways, they eventually arrived at a more simple corridor, where Plain Yogurt finally decided to stop in front of a single door.

"This will be your temporary quarters," Plain Yogurt opened the door, revealing to be a small and simple room after Lilac decided to peer inside, "The room over there belongs to your target. Fortunately for you, the lock can be easily picked," He said, referring to the double doors from across the hall.

"Is he in there right now?" Lilac asked flatly as he set his satchel down on the small desk of his room. They were probably the first words he ever muttered that day.

"If he was, then I wouldn't have spoken so openly about sneaking in." He could hear the eye roll in Plain Yogurt's tone.

"I am merely concerned that how long it took for us to get here, reaching your brother would waste more of my time." the assassin made his way towards the door where Plain Yogurt was waiting with his arms crossed.

"If I could, I would rather spend less of my time on this," Plain Yogurt replied with an annoyed look, "And if I were you, I would be dreading to meet my brother."

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