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(Belly's POV)
When I found out about Jeremiah and the other girl sleeping together I was broken.

I had been sleeping for the whole day.

I've also been thinking about The beach house. The ocean smell, the birds, everyone there.

I had missed it so much. I just wanted to go back. Back where I was still 12 and Susannah was still here.

I got up quickly and packed a bag. I just needed to get away. I left a note on Taylor's door and left.

When I drove down it felt so good to not think about Jeremiah or the girl he slept with. Just me and Taylor Swift playing on the radio.

When I came into Cousins it was still light out.

I came up the driveway expecting no one here. Then I saw Conrad's car in the driveway.

What was he doing here I thought he was still in California.

I opened the door of my car and got my bag from the back.

Going up the steps and to the door felt like coming home.

I opened the door and suddenly I missed the brownies we would make. It still had that new house smell.

Mr.Fisher still had people cleaning this place once in a while so it wouldn't get dusty.

I didn't see Conrad in the kitchen or living room so I went upstairs to my old room.

It felt so weird being in this place when it's not even summer yet.

Me and Conrad came down here a couple of years ago and made hot chocolate and stayed until my mom found out.

I put down my bag and headed downstairs and out the door to the beach.

I new all to well that Conrad would be surfing. I was standing there taking in the air.

Conrad came up to me. "Belly what are you doing here". I guess he wasn't happy I was there. "Just getting away for a bit. College has been hard" I said. "What are you doing here I thought you were in California". "I came home early".

Conrad and Me went inside. I didn't want to tell him about me and Jeremiah because I don't even no what we are if there is even a we.

Conrad made dinner for us witch was Surprising.

"Bells how have you been". Bells he still called me that. "Fine". I lied I didn't want to tell him just yet. "And you Conrad how have you been" I asked getting the topic off of me. "Good".

I smiled at the thought of Conrad being good. He Deserved it.

"Hey do you want to watch a movie" Conrad said. "Yeah sure".

It took us a little bit to find a movie but we agreed on The Notebook.

Conrad Fisher actually enjoyed The Notebook. That was surprising.

After the movie was done he said goodnight to me. "Night Bells". "Night Conrad".

I went upstairs with a smiling face.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes-Kaylen

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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