Halloween 🌶

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Halloween was in a week and there was a party tomorrow for it which I was obviously a going to our school loved a good party so I'm sure this one will be no exception however I hadn't got my costume yet so that was today's plan...

I was sitting on my bed when my phone buzzed and I looked to see a message from Tom...which wasn't unusual but rare

Tom:you going to that party tomorrow?

Y/n: mhm
Y/n: you?

Tom: yea...just wanted to check


That was weird I thought
That's when My best friend El knocked on the door and I jogged downstairs flinging it open,

"You ready?"she asked with a smirk and I nodded grabbing my bag as we left for our evening shopping trip,

"So how many people are going to this?"I asked as we walked

"I think it's now about 80 people!"she replied with a smirk

"Is Ben going?"i asked as she had had a crush on him for a long time

"I don't know!"she said with a smile and we soon arrived at the shops

"So what you gonna go as?"I asked her

"Hmm I really don't know I hadn't planned anything yet!"she said and we laughed flicking through everything holding funny masks up to our faces and I was stuck between being a fairy and being a cop

"I'm going fairy!"I replied and she smiled

"Thank fuck!"she said and I laughed grabbing a gorgeous dress with wings when I saw a bow

"Oh my god! El you should go a Cupid!"I said holding  it to her and her eyes widened

"Oh my god yes!!"she said and we picked our costumes then went to the makeup shop where we picked up a couple things we needed like glitter.
The last shop we went to we just picked up some cheep heels to wear before heading back to mine as it was now 8pm

"You staying over?"I asked dropping my bags in my room

"Yea might as well!"she said and followed me taking some of my clothes to change to and we got into bed and watched The Office.


Our school was having a Halloween party even though it's almost a week before Halloween but I was still going.
I woke up the morning of the party and headed straight into town as I hadn't got a costume yes it's last minute but it's whatever.
I checked to see if y/n was going yesterday because I may or may not have a small crush on her but anyway...
I met Haz there and we went into the shop,

"So mate what you going as?"I asked him as he looked around and held up a little dress

"Oh perfect you'll look stunning girl!"I mocked as we looked around

"Right I'm going as a sherif!"I said holding a badge and gun at Haz who laughed

"Well I'm going as the devil!"he replied with a voice holding up some horns as I laughed at him  as we bought the stuff then went to mine where we got ready as the party was in an hour.

I was basically just wearing suit trousers plus a shirt half done up but I had the gun holder than goes around your shoulder with a badge as well and Haz was in a black suit with red horns and blood on him.

We soon left walking to the party as it started 20 minutes ago

"Right your goal for tonight is to not punch someone!"he said to me as I laughed as we always set a little drunk task

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