The bright mall was just as busy today as yesterday.

You read on the shop signs to find 'Scoops Ahoy' and walked inside the tiny café. You noted that most seats were taken as you walked straight to the ice cream parlor. On the other side of the cash register stood a man with his back turned. He was wearing the company's outfit with a little hat on top of his head.

"Excuse me." You said with a soft voice and the tall guy spun around to face you. "Steve??" 

His jaw dropped slightly but then he smiled, "Heyy, (Y/N)!"

"So this is where you work now? Cute hat." 

Steve rolled his eyes as he took the hat off and leaned his hand on the counter. "Yeah, all the ladies love the hat." He said ironically. "It's amazing to meet everyone from school while I look like this and scoop ice cream for them, you know?" 

"Dude, it must be a super chill job." You replied with a glare.

"You do not want to know what I get paid." 

"Kinda do, actually."

Steve shook his head with a sigh. "Three bucks an hour, (Y/N). Three bucks." 

"Oh, come on, Steve. I know that working is a foreign concept to you; but you must be the perfect employee for a place like this," You scratched your neck as you tried to cheer him up, "There's probably girls coming in here just to talk to you." 

Robin appeared from the door behind the counter. "Totally, for sure. But this is the longest conversation he's had with a girl since we started here some days ago. Did you know he's horrible at flirting?" Steve? Bad at flirting? 

"Robin, hey!!" 

Robin picked up Steve's hat and handed it to him. "Company policy, dingus." She was wearing the same outfit but looked way way better in it. "I'll take care of our customer before you scare her away, Steve. How are you, (Y/N)?"

Steve muttered and you giggled with a confused look on your face and asked, "I'm good, how are you? Do you like your new job?"

"Yeah, it's like he said; amazing. Amazing job. Amazing coworker." She was ironic as usual. "Come on, get in." She opened the gate to let you in on their side of the counter and pulled you inside the little room behind. "No, it's not all that bad. It's quite an alright job, and believe it or not; Steve's alright."

"Hah! I heard that." Steve exclaimed and turned around to look at you through the window. "You are so not allowed back here."

"Shut up, or I'll tell our boss about your children."

"His children?"

"He let's them sneak inside to watch the cinema for free. It's like- Hey, twelve o'clock." A group of girls approached the counter. "Good luck." Robin said.

Steve smiled sarcastically and removed his hat again to expose his hair. "You know what? Screw company policy."

"Oh my god, you're a whole new man." 

"Right? Ooo."

You giggled as he turned around to greet the girls. 

"Ahoy ladies! Didn't see ya there. Would you guys like to set sails on this ocean of flavor with me? I'll be your captain... - I'm Steve Harrington."

You and Robin laughed as he went on with his monologue and Robin closed the windows to the counter. She grabbed a pen to draw another line on a whiteboard.

You rule │You suck

             │  IIIII II

"What's that?"

"We're keeping track of how many girls he manages to get a date with." 

"Oof." You looked at the depressing board. 

Steve's head popped up in the window again. He looked excited. "Hey Robin, draw a line on the 'You rule' side. (Y/N) counts." 

You and Robin scoffed as you looked at each other. "She most definitely does not count."

"Aw, come on." Steve begged. "Remember that ride I gave you? Yeah, you kinda owe me." 

Yeah, of course you remembered. Not only remembered, you had even thought about Steve driving you home a couple of times since it happened, like, at least once a day. And meeting him today made you even more interested in getting to know him better even though he was wearing that stupid outfit and desperately trying to get girls' numbers. 

"I think not." Robin replied. "Wait, what ride?" 

"Oh, it was at that party a few days ago." You said.

"Yeah, we were both going home and since we live on the same street,"

", he offered me a ride home." 

Robin nodded slowly. "So that's why she owes you a date?"

"Yeah. I mean, isn't that fair?" Steve asked with an ironic voice and winked at you. 

"Ugh, get away, Steve. She's the only girl who's stayed her for more than thirty seconds and it's all thanks to me so don't take my credit." Robin rolled her eyes and you giggled. 

"I should really get going though. Got a lot to do today." No you didn't. "But I'll be back for my free ice cream, Robin."

"Come back tomorrow!" She smiled. 

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