Chapter 1

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Sierra wakes up to the sound of her cat, Celie, scratching her bedroom door. 

"Celie, you know it's not nice to scratch my door," Sierra says to Celie as she rolls out of bed and opens her bedroom door. She smiles at her and places her onto the couch. Celie just kind of looks at her and meows.

Sierra lives in an apartment in New York City with her two cats, Celie and Olivia. Currently, she is not in any broadway musicals. She thought it would be a good idea to take a break after she played the role of Christine Daae in "Phantom of the Opera's 25th Anniversary".

After placing Celie down, she grabs the ginormous bag of cat food and places one scoop into a Little Mermaid bowl and another into a blue stripped bowl. Her cats immediately came running as they heard Sierra scoop the cat food.

Sierra lets out a tiny laugh.

"You guys will do anything for food," Sierra smirks.

Just after she fed the cats, Sierra's Phone rang. She was wondering who would be calling at this hour in the morning but realized it was important once she saw the caller ID. This must be important.

She picks up the phone.

"Hello?" Sierra answers.

"Hello, Sierra. It's me Andrew Lloyd Webber. It feels like I haven't talked to you in a while. How are you?"

"I'm wonderful! It feels like forever since I've seen you. I also really miss playing Christine," she admits while pouring herself a cup of black, bitter coffee.

"Well I'm happy to hear that. I hope you aren't busy this month and the next. I need you to fly out to England immediately." His voice sounds raspy and a little concerning.

"Sure thing, Andrew. I will try to book the earliest flight." She informs him while taking a sip of her coffee.

"I'll see you soon."

"Buh bye."

Gee, Andrew wasn't sounding too well. Sierra knew she had to leave quickly.

Sierra grabs her pink suit case and grabs all of her clothes and much more and packs it. She can't help but think what was going on. Did Andrew call anybody else? Will he? Sierra can't help but wonder


Ramin had just left his apartment which was occupied only by him.

He has two sons, Hadley and Jaiden, but he doesn't get to see them often. Inlcuing that, he is newly divorced with his ex-wife, Mandy. He still loves her but knows he needs to get over her. Obviously because she divorced him. Ramin lives in Toronto while Mandy and his kids moved to the United States.

Ramin walks through the chilly air. His nose turns a little numb. But as soon as he knows it, he's at Starbucks. He could feel his cold body start to warm up.

Ramin walks to the counter to order just a plain cup of black coffee.

"That will be 4.95, sir." The lady at the counter said. She had bags under her eyes. Ramin could definitely tell she hadn't gotten much sleep.

Ramin hands his credit card. Right after he paid for his coffee, it was ready. He decides to sit in the corner where it was a little secluded with a leather chair and end tables.

Right after he sits down, he recieves a call from Andrew.

"Hello?" Ramin responds still sipping his coffee.

"Hi Ramin, it's Andrew."

"Oh hi, Andrew. What's up? I haven't heard from you in a while?" Ramin asks while putting his cup of black coffee down on the end table.

"I'm okay. But I really need you to do a favor for me-"

"Of course," Ramin says will interupting Andrew.

"I need you to come to England for this month and the next, maybe even longer."

"What?" Ramin must of shouted because he recieved a lot of dirty looks.

"Yeah, sorry it's short notice but I really need you," Ramin knew this was important because his voice started to crack with despair.

"I will leave as soon as I can."

"Thank you, Ramin. I'll see you in England."

Ramin ends the call and runs out of Starbucks.


End of chapter one! I hope you guys like it. Sorry that it's really short and kinda slow. Hopefully you guys understand. Thanks!

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