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Keira pov:

"Madam, we got a problem. Someone at door asking for you, said he knows you."

Ugh, what is it now?!?. Probably that annoying little brat who keeps coming to my mansion and wants to sell me those damn muffins. What is with kids these days?!?!.

"Send him over, I'll make sure he'll have a fit to just waltz over here like this." *Sigh* it's been boring, maybe I could get some fun out of beating up this kid. And maybe I'll be kind enough to let him leave with some consciousness.

"Sure, boss."

After a minute or so the door opened to reveal a merchant's face, high pride but hiding disappointment of some kind. Ya, I'm good at reading a face, one of the skills I picked up working at a gambling house. Anyhow, I'm rather curious to see Mr. Jan van eck in the middle of the night. I look out the window to be met by the view of the milky white moon. The mansion might seem old and rusty during the day,  but at night its beauty can be on par with a castle. It looks divine under the moonlight, even though it's all covered in moss and various kinds of plant life.

"Ms. Keira." Heh. Van eck always addresses me formally after the incident - I threatened to tell everyone that his son, wylan van Eck, is dyslexic. If people found out, it would be a shame for the van eck family, for everyone to know that the heir to the van eck dynasty couldn't read or write. People could easily fool him by making him sign a document and take away all the van eck wealth.

"Sup, grown-up. What's business?." What, I might be an assassin but I'm still a teenager.

" Ms. Keira, I came here to offer you a deal." And the job is to break into the ice court. I know. The Ice Court is a military stronghold and seat of the nobility of Fjerda, located in the Fjerdan capital, Djerholm. It contains a high-security prison, the facilities of the drüskelle, the embassy, and the Fjerdan Royal Palace and treasury. And the main reason for him to come here and bribe me to do this mission is to get hold of Bo Yul-Bayur, the creator of jurda parem.

Jurda parem somehow dangerously enhances a Grisha's abilities to its unbounded limits, but it is also very addictive. A Grisha after being used up of the energy of the parem would crave it and if their craving isn't satisfied they would wither and die.

A Grisha is a powerful and majestic human being. Being able to be one with the world and its beauty. The Grisha are of three categories, the Corporalki, Etherealki, and Materialki.

Corporalki or the Order of the Living and the Dead is Grisha whose power focuses on the human body. The Order is divided into three groups: Heartrenders, Healers, and Tailors. In the Second Army, they wear crimson-colored kefta.

Tailors are an uncommon type of Corporalki, capable of changing a person's appearance by drawing upon the colors and textures of materials. The best tailors can change a person's entire face to look like someone else.

Etherealki, or the Order of Summoners, is Grisha whose power lies in the manipulation of different natural elements. This Order is divided into Squallers, Inferni, and Tidemakers.

Materialki, (singular: Materialnik) or the Order of Fabrikators, are Grisha whose power focuses on composite materials such as metal, glass, textiles, and chemicals. This Order consists of Durasts and Alkemi; collectively, they are commonly referred to as Fabrikators.

"Ms. Keira, are you listening to me?"

"Ah, yes. I seem to be lost in my thoughts, carry on" I said with a nonchalant expression.

" Well, the ice court in Fjerda holds the shu scientist, Bo Yul-Bayur. He created a substance which can empower a gris-"

" Save the crap, Van Eck. I already know, but what I want to know is the kruge you're offering me."

"Very well. Thirty million kruge."

" Fifty million. And before you say some prize in between, I will not settle for anything less."

" As you wish, madam. The Deal is The Deal."

"The Deal is The Deal." And as soon as we shook hands he made his way to the door. I don't know why but people always try to avoid me and leave as soon as they can. when people first meet me, they expect me to be some kind of 'perfect young lady.' But I can't. I can't wear a nice puffy gown, I can't be sweet, I can't be nice. If I did................ I'd be long dead or cooped in one of the motherfucking pleasure houses in the capital of Kerch.

" Bye, and don't come back soon merch. " I said as the Merch left.

I have to fucking do something about this. One, I could kill bayur, that way the world can't get its hands on parem. Or Two, I could keep him in here, in my mansion. No one would expect to him to be in a large house where a daughter and his father lived once but died due to the plague. Yeah, nobody knows I live here, and to be honest, it's the safest place in ketterdam you could ever find IF you find it that is. The mansion is practically covered in climbing roses, it's so old that even the fancy emerald palace wasn't there when it was built.

Thinking of the emerald palace, my thoughts drift to a good-for-nothing bitch, PEKKA ROLLINS. He's the reason me and my brothers were on the fucking streets. He's the reason why we've lost everything. And I'll making him pay. His son lives with me if he does anything out of line. I'll have the freedom to do whatever I want to his little golden prince. But for now, I take care of him. I take him for a walk and play with him. Just as my big brother Jordie used to play with me................ NO!!!! I CAN'T DWELL ON THE PAST. I need to move on. I'm not allowed to be sad until I make that son of a motherfucking idiot Pekka pay.


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