"He won't care, I promise." You giggled. 

You traced your fingers over the protruding details on the car door. You had seen this car pretty much everyday in school since you transferred from Hawkins Middle School to Hawkins High. Steve got his driver's license first thing when he turned 16 and his dad had got the car for him. 

"So uh, what are you going to do now when school's over? You going to college, or?"

Steve ran his fingers through his thick brown hair and chuckled awkwardly. "Well, uhm... Yeah, I..." He paused. "Ah, I'm not gonna lie." He turned his head to look at you as he drove down the street away from Austin's house. "I graduated with pretty shitty grades so..." He admitted. 

"Oh, dude. That sucks." 

"Well, it's my fault. Focused on all the wrong things all high school, heh." He looked back on the road. It was really no surprise that Steve the King with his rich parents hadn't cared too much about studying. 

"We're young, you got all the time in the world to figure it out", you tried to sound comforting but probably came off as more of a school counselor. 

"That is not  what my dad thinks. He's trying to teach me a lesson and got me this... stupid job this summer... at least I'll earn my own money.." He chuckled again. "But hey, how's your life going, (Y/N)?" 

It did feel weird to talk about life with Steve Harrington. "Well, good, I think. School's going good but god, I'm tired of it. I don't think I could've handled another week before summer break." 

"I understand. You and Mia are still friends, huh? That's cool. I used to think you two were sisters in like 3rd grade or something." 

You giggled. "Sisters? Dude, we look nothing alike!" 

He shook his head and smiled. "No, you don't, but you were inseparable. Oh! I remember the talent show in, what was it, like, 7th grade?" 

"Oh my god. Yeah, me and Mia were in 6th grade. I played the guitar while we both sang-"

"-Heart of Glass, it was Heart of Glass!"

"Jesus Christ, we sucked.." You both laughed. "Still won, though." 

"No, no, no. She sucked, you won. She could not sing."

"Oh, come on. We were so little." Let's not talk about how tone-deaf Mia was.

He shook his head and continued, "No, cause I specifically remember wondering why she was up there with (Y/N) (L/N). But, you two were inseparable." Due to Steve's old reputation, you couldn't really take his compliments seriously.

"Haha, well, thank you.. and yes. We really were. Honestly it's a bit sad to think about, we've kind of grown apart over these last few years." 

"Yeah, you seem to be two very different types of people."

"Different how?" 

Steve shrugged as he searched for the right words, "I just, she seems like that typical shallow teenage girl... and I've just imagined you being... more, like, modest? You know?"

"Dude, look who's talking." You scoffed.

"Am I wrong?" He said jokingly. 

"I..." You bit your lip to think for a moment. Mia had been your best friend since you were little but as both grew older, she turned into a bit of a mean girl. Not to you of course, but she loooved to gossip and be involved with drama. You found it entertaining to a certain point but lately she often went beyond. You were part of the popular girls in school but always tried to be nice to everyone. But Steve was in no position to talk, he had been such a smug, judgemental, confident douchebag all his life. However something was different after last term. Like he had turned more humble after the break up with Nancy Wheeler. The fact that they were together in the first place was weird. Nancy was in your grade and used to hang out with Barbara. You'd never imagine her falling for Steve. You and her knew each other but didn't really meet outside of school. 

"Was it a difficult question, or..?" Steve said with a mocking voice.

"No, no. I was just trying to think of a nice way to ask you to shut up." You replied and Steve laughed, then you continued with, "What's up with all the Mia slander?"

Steve shifted his grip on the wheel to hold it with his right hand and rest his left arm on the car door, "No I just, you seem nice and she doesn't."

"It's hard to take it as a compliment when you're talking about my friend." You responded. Given the way he described Mia, you imagined her being his type. Or, well, she had tried to get with Steve several times at parties but never managed, she used to flirt with him in school when you were freshmen and sophomores until she gave up. And you knew he wasn't exactly wrong about her. There was a reason for Robin to never want to hang out with you if you were with Mia and Sarah. Your childhood friend had always been a bit of a bully in disguise since you became teenagers. 

"Sorry, not my business. She's probably nice if you get to know her. Do you often hang out with Billy?" 

"Billy?" You instantly frowned in a mixture of confusion and annoyance at the thought of him. "Er, no, definitely not." 

"He was hounding you tonight from the moment you appeared in the backyard and was awfully defensive of you. It's kinda cute, honestly." He explained. Okay, so Steve had noticed it as well. 

You sighed as you looked out the window. Soon home. "Billy - cute? I just love that you question me and Mia's friendship but got no shame in asking about Billy as if that would be any of your business."

"I don't know, maybe you're into bad boys?" He chuckled softly. 

"Then I wouldn't be sitting in Steve Harrington's car." You snapped back with a giggle. 

"Oh, don't break my heart like that. You have no idea how bad I can be. You know those signs that say, 'don't walk on the grass' outside the library? Yeah, once I did anyway. Pretty cool, right?" 

"Wow, that's wild, dude.. maybe too wild for me. As if you've ever been at the library.." You laughed at his awful attempt of a joke. "I don't know, I just think he acts strange sometimes with no disregard for anyone's feelings. At least he's nice to me, but annoying." 

"Nice? Dude's a jerk who's always happy to throw hands."

"As if you're so different." Everyone knew about the rivalry when Billy took Steve's place as the King of the school until they settled down to somewhat share it. So immature. It was right after his breakup with Nance so he probably already felt defeated back then. "You two were such idiots last term." 

"I know, right?"

"Finally we agree on something."

Steve chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, that we were both idiots, not that we're alike. Cause we are not."

"Yeah, okay, okay. I mean; I wouldn't exactly say yes if he offered me a ride." 

"He's Hawkins High's biggest jerk."

"Weren't you until he came?" 

"Okay.. I'll admit that I've been a jerk, but I've improved. He's some next level shit." Steve scoffed. 

You giggled before replying, "And I'll admit that you seem to have made a lot of character development, Harrington. Billy's better now, too." Steve actually appeared to have changed, like he was more of a chill guy now and the teasing conversation had an easy flow.

"Maybe better at behaving himself but you saw how he acted earlier." There was something serious in Steve's voice for the first time tonight. "He's not exactly a good guy." 

"I don't like him and I'm very much not defending him." 

"Yeah, he doesn't deserve that. And I know you're smart enough to know this but, uh. You deserve better than him."

"I, uhm-"

"You live on the right side of the street, right?" 

"Yeah..." You pointed at a white house and he slowed down the speed. "Thank you for the ride Steve, it was nicer than I expected." You admitted with a soft but mocking smile and met his gaze. His dark eyes were glimmering in the light of the street lamps. Pretty boy. 

"Ouch." He grinned. "Well, good night, (Y/N). It was nice talking to you."  

jesus chrost that's a lot of dialogue and i SUCK at dialogues
but hopefully it still was entertaining

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