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I felt my head hit the hard grownd, as I hear a male voice cursing under their breath causing my eyes to quickly open. The light of the moon shinning though the tall pine trees, and the sound of voices whispering caused my heart to race. "Where am I?" Was the only question I had repeating in my mind.

"Oh, hey darling. I'm glad to see you are awake." A sharp voice said, causing every muscle in my body to freeze. I turned my head to see the face that matched the voice, causing my heart stop. Salem, the one man I trusted with my life, yet, the same man who tried to take it.... How did he find me, I left him months ago when he- My thoughts where interrupted.

"Now that you're awake," he paused for a moment. "Let's play a little game of tag." He said, a smirk creeping onto his face. "The rules are simple, I will give you 10 seconds to start running. If you win and I can't catch you, I'll let you go with your soul, but if I win." His smirk turned to an eerie smile."i'm sure you will find out" He said.

"Your 10 seconds start... Now." He said, counting down quickly. I began running into the dark forest, not being able tell where I was. What felt like 20 minutes later I met the ground, as rocks stabbed in to my hands, I quickly stood up causing a sharp pain in my ankle.

"FUCK!" I yelled, as the pain starts growing worse. I quickly sat down on a large rock, feeling the pressure release from my leg. I believe I'm far enough from him that  it's safe to breathe for a moment.... That is, until I hear his voice saying "oh my love, don't stop now it's just barely starting to get exciting."

His sudden words caused me to jump up running full sprint, even though my leg was throbbing   I had no choice but to keep running. Not even a minute later my lungs felt like they would collapse any moment, causing the world to start spinning.


one hour later


This sick game of red light green light has been going one of what feels to have been hours. The consent stop and starting of resting and running is killing every part of my body, but I cant stop I seen a faint glow in the distance, a light coming from what looks to be windows of a house. Running with everything I had left, I finely reached the home. The door was already opened so I cautiously walked inside, seeing woman standing in the middle of the room.

She had a welcoming smile on her face, I felt safe for a moment.

As soon as I stopped walking my legs collapsed beneath me. Reality hit me like a ton of bricks, causing tears to quickly make their path on my cheeks. The woman started making her way  kneeling down next to me placing a soft hand on my shoulder. 

  I look up at the kind woman next to me who thankfully left her door opend, but something was off.  I dont know if it was the tears in my eyes, but her appearance started to change. There was a dark fog around her, the kindness in her eyes became those of miss leading hate.

I remembered the perfect dark brown hair and dark eyes from a woman I have seen before, "Elizabeth Parker" I whispered. She started laughing, mocking the terror in my voice. her eyes rolled back showing only white, as she quietly says " I got you, there is no running now." Suddenly arms wrapped around my body I knew this feeling all to well as Salem's grip started tightening around me. 

I couldn't breathe, "this is not happening, this is not real" I thought to my self closing my eyes. "LET GO OF ME YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" I yelled squeezing my eyes shut as his grip never loosens, causing my ears start ringing.

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