Chapter 1 (rewrite)

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A ruined city comes into sight as the sound of people screaming, shouting, and crying in anguish fills the night, adding more flavor to the already chaotic night

"Get down"

A 20-year-old man who's wearing a torn-apart business suit shouts while pushing a woman to the ground, barely dodging a piece of a building from falling on top of her. A few miles away from that, a small family with 4 members is gathered around a large ruin, mourning and crying for the death of their father

And on top of all of it, the source of all the destruction and chaos that is happening in the city right now, a dragon dark grey with dark tan sections on its wing blades and hips, and lime green lines running down its body, its torso is similar to a mixture of "" and "", with a thick tail that is three to four times the length of the dragon's body and lined with barbs. It lacks legs like "Clear Wing" and instead sports tan sections that resemble the horns of "" with similar "shield" like sections to those that "Clear Wing" has in place of hind limbs, though they both point down as opposed to two of "Clear Wing's" pointing up and two pointing down. The arms resemble those of "", but with larger scythe-shaped wrist blades and are comparatively smaller than the rest of the body. The head is an amalgamation of the four dragons that compose it, with a large crest protruding from the largely green skull, and two sets of horns; one set resembling tusks that evoke those of "Dark Rebellion", and a larger set that resemble those of "Odd-Eyes", but are oriented similarly to those of "Starving Venom". The snout of Supreme King Z-ARC is far simpler than any of the composite monsters, resembling the beak-like snout of "Odd-Eyes" the most in form. The wings of Supreme King Z-ARC are also an amalgamation of its composite dragons; the blades resemble those of "Odd-Eyes" and "Dark Rebellion", with a similar color to "Clear Wing" on the back edges and in a similar orientation, while the wings are topped with sections resembling the back mouths of "Starving Venom", and extend into tan barbed horns resembling those of "Starving Venom". Atop these sections are the main wings, which have a more basic design over overlapping fang-like membranes, but are two or three times the size of the rest of the dragon.

(I love Wiki)

"And standing on top of that dragon is a teenager who looks no older than 20, he has silver hair with green highlights. He wears a blue and white jacket with orange borders and a black undershirt. He is shown to wear thick red-brownish gloves, black pants with brown chaps, faded gold knee pads, dark-blue suspenders with faded gold buckles hanging from a red-brownish belt with two large holsters, a large faded gold buckle, and brown shoes with dark-blue outlines and straps, but the most interesting thing is that is face is all blurry. He's wearing a big sadistic smile on his face while laughing out like he's currently having the time of his life.

"Isn't this what you people want?" He said between his snicker "Isn't this the "entertainment" that people want!?" His voice carries no sign of sanity, a sign that he has finally lost his mind

And in between all of that chaos, a young woman who has long, maroon, and dark red hair is tied into two braids. She's wearing a white and pink dress with a thigh strap on her left thigh. She takes a look around at the destructed landscape around her before staring at the deck that she has been holding since the beginning of this massacre. She doesn't want to do this to him, but she also can't bear the feeling of seeing people after people die for nothing. In a quick motion, she puts on her duel disk and runs as fast as she can to the dragon, runs as fast as she can to him.

"Stop this madness in an instant, Zarc!" She shouts as loud as she can while raising the duel disk at her chest level, a sign of her willingness to duel him

"Ho~?" He stops laughing and turns his focus onto the girl who's just as big as a pest from his point of view. "And why should I~?" He calmly replies while jumping on one of his dragon's wings and signaling it to lower it

Yugioh Arc-V, Next generation (Male reader X Yugioh Arc-V)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें