Chapter Twenty Three

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I walked in and straight away all of the guys began to fuss around me.

" Grace are you okay?" Patrick asked guiding me to my bed.

" What happened?" Pete asked me.

" I met a 6 year old girl and a 7 year old boy and the girl has leukamia and today is her last day. Their dad died when they were young from leukemia. This isn't fair. I just wish the was something I could do to help people like this." I said tears now gushing down my face.

" Hey don't cry. Here." Andy said passing me some tissues.

"If I was well enough I would set up a charity so that children up until the age of 18 can get their wish before cancer claims another victim." I said.

" If only." Joe said.

" Grace we need to hook you up to the machines again." A doctor said.

" Okay." I said.

Once he was done he left without a word being said.

Patrick walked over to me and handed me a box.

"Its from Hayley and Brendon." Patrick said.

I opened the box and what I saw was so beautiful. It was a charm bracelet with the words 'paramore' 'panic at the disco' 'fall out boy' on and it also had the paramore logo, the panic at the disco logo and the fall out boy logo on it.

"This is amazing. Please could someone thank Hayley and Brendon on behalf of me please." I said.

" Of course." Joe told me.

"There is just one more thing I need to say. I tried to get this and tell you the other day but due to reasons no one could help I couldn't." Patrick began.

" Grace. I know we have only been going out for a few weeks but I have know you for what feels like forever. I love everything about you from the way you smile through everything whether you are in agony to the way that you make sure everyone is okay before yourself. I wish there were more people in the world with such a caring personality such as yours. That would nake the world a better place. I would love for you to do me the honour of becoming Mrs Grace Hazel Stump?" Patrick asked me holding a box with a ring with 'okay?' engraved into it.

Tears of joy fell from my face. I nodded vigorously and jumped off ny bed and engulfed Patrick in a bone crushing hug.

" Yes, yes , yes. Infinity times yes." I told Patrick.

He slipped the gorgeous ring onto my ring finger. I admired it beauty. Patrick then placed his ring on his ring finger which was matching but it read 'okay.' on it. It was a quote from my favourite film 'The Fault In Our Stars'.

Patrick whispered to the guys.

" We shall now have the wedding." Patrick told me.

Talk about last minute plans.

" Do you Patrick Martin Stump take Grace Hazel Wentz to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Pete asked Patrick.

"I do." Patrick replied.

" Do you Grace Hazel Wentz take Patrick Martin Stump to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Pete asked me.

" I do." I replied.

" I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Pete told us.

Patrick gently placed his soft plump lips onto mine and our lips moulded together. It felt perfect. There were sparks and fireworks felt by both me and Patrick.

I'm Free - A Fall Out Boy Fan Fiction - COMPLETEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin