chapter 1.

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It's been a year now since my parents had left for Scotland ,
searching for a better life , I guess totally , I don't blame them though.

"Hey good morning" Sarah greets me , Sarah is my best friend who I'd known since I was like 7 years old. By time we'd become close .

"What's up" I greet back while preparing my morning coffee , I'd order some from SB , but when it comes to coffee, I like it to be well-prepared by me.

"So what's the plans for today?" She asks me .

"I dont know I'm not really into the parties , you know..." I say awkwardly.

"Who said it is going to be a party , it's literally our last free summer week before university "she informs me.

"I'm well aware , but you could go , and i won't, I'm not-" I say.

"Yes you are , will you leave this house , and go out a little, listen stop being a selfish bitch" she raises her voice at me.

"And stop being a bossy bitch!"

"Why do you have to be always on that mood ??" She asks.

"What kind of mood are you referring to?" I question her with a raised eyebrow.

"That mood-when you give negative vibes and unsociable energy".
"Well you know me , I'm always like that" I inform.

"Just for tonight please-" she asks.


"Plsss please-" she's begging now.

"Okay fine" I gave up.

"Yay I knew you'd give up" she says with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah only this time , dont get used to darling"

"I'm going , see you later" Sarah walks out the door.

I make my way upstairs , to my bedroom, while still-drinking my quite hot coffee.

I'm now alone.

I live with no one , only Sarah who often comes here , but not too much , you Know .

I dont want to go out tonight , but I'd do it for Sarah since she's the only friend I have.

I check up my phone to only find a text from my mother.

Why is she still texting me??

I dont even spend a minute looking at it .

Ignore it.

They left me , alone.

Said I need to take care of myself , and they can't take me with them because well...I'm too "problematic" . They just left me here .


"No fucking way I'm wearing this " I yell at Sarah who's sitting on my bed , I'm being dressed in a short red dress .

"This gives bad bitch energy " she says.


"What-im getting second hand embarrassment " I cringe.

"Oh my god the way I knew you'd say that the second those words left my beautiful lips" she smiles.

"Hm about the lips-"

"Anyways , Anastasia for the shoes , you're wearing heels" she says with a proud smirk on her face.

"For fuck sake , never , I'm not good with the heels , I literally can't walk with those things without feeling pain" I informed.

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