Chapter 2

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"No I don't, you see the village Elder had actually found me when I was very little, I believe she found me when I was just a baby. As I don't remember anything before she found me but after she had found me she took me in and raised me as her own, I never called her my mother nor anyone else in the village my parents but the whole village raised me as their own and I rarely left the village except for winter as the winter in the forest where our village is can get very cold and hard to live in unless you prepare for it, which was when the Elder would use her magic and we would go to other lands like the Scalding Sands where I met Kalim and Jamil when we were all children, the Elder knows so many which was how I got to meet Kalim and Jamil since she knows Kalim's father through his great great grandfather or something like that. And she's a half fae herself, half human and half fae so of course her life is slowly reaching it's end but she's often told me stories of her life and how she met other fae and other humans and beastmen" Lilia looks at Ryu slightly surprised and amused as he continues to speak.

"And she mentioned that she'll one day tell me more about my kind when I'm ready but I don't know when that will be of course" nodding Lilia smiles at Ryu saying "I may know her, is her name Elaine by chance?" looking at Lilia shocked Ryu nods happily asking Lilia "do you know her?? But you don't look that old?" chuckling Lilia smiles and says "I'm older than you think, and indeed I know her and I know you little dragon" just then as if a memory was ignighted into Ryu's mind he remembers a bit from his childhood looking shocked as the memories flood into Ryu's mind.

~Ryu's memory~

Running through the village with the other children, Ryu giggled and laughed as he continued to play tag with the other kids. Watching the children play is the village elder, smiling at them all as they all laughed and chased each other around, "Ryu can you come here for a second?" yelled the village elder looking over at the small child with fond eyes, nodding happily Ryu runs over to the village elder saying "yes Elder?" smiling at the small child the village elder lifts her hand and pats his head in between his horns saying "even if you're not human like the most of us in this village, we all still see you as our own. I remember that day when I found you alone as a baby" Ryu nods and wags his tail happily saying "you found me on a cold stormy night and you took me in and the whole village has raised me since!" smiling at the child the village Elder nods saying in a soft tone "of course, we are all family here little one".

Smiling happily Ryu asks the village elder "do you know why I don't have a mum or dad like the other kids?" the village elder looks at Ryu with sadness in her eyes saying "I'm sorry my child, I don't have an answer for you. I really don't know why you were alone that stormy night, but I know they must've loved you greatly to leave you close by to our village" Ryu nods a little saddened but smiled again before running back over to the other children to play with them. Walking over to the village elder a man with long black and pink hair and dark red eyes smiles at the village elder softly saying in a sort of worried tone "when will you tell him? When will you tell little dragon about his kind?" the village elder looks at the small dragon fae Ryu sadly saying "when he's met other fae of other types like yourself old friend, I'll tell him only then that he may be the last of his kind of fae as they're all lost to time now" looking up at the male the Elder looks at him sadly before saying "I'm sorry that I won't tell him yet Lilia, but I don't want him to know that it was really you who brought him to the village that stormy night" Lilia nods at the village Elder saying softly "indeed, and I respect your decision but please don't make it too late old friend, your health is declining as you're part human you won't be able to live as long as Ryu or I" nodding the Elder smiles at Lilia and then looks over at Ryu who's playing chase with the children.

"I know that my time will come one day and I'm ready".

~Back to reality~

"'re the traveller!! You visited our village when I was only helped me back then" Ryu says while looking at Lilia surprised muttering the last little bit which only Lilia and Malleus could hear, chuckling a little Lilia nods saying "yes, I was the one who called you little dragon remember? You were so small, it reminds me of how little Silver was when he was but a child" blushing embarrassingly Silver looks at Lilia saying "father really? You have to bring me up?" looking at both Lilia and Silver shocked Ryu asks them both "wait father?!" chuckling a little Lilia nods and says to Ryu while smiling "indeed, I raised Silver here since he was but a baby" nodding at Lilia while looking away from him, Silver says "yeah father raised me and has been training both Sebek and I to be guards for Malleus ever since we were little" nodding Ryu smiles a little and says "alright! That's really cool, and if you want we could have a little fight? I know different fighting styles thanks to Elder taking me to many places and teaching me so many things! I also remember you teaching some of the men in our village on how to protect our home" Lilia nods and looks at Malleus who nods and says in an amused tone "I'll allow it, why don't you and Lilia fight? It'll be interesting to see who wins" nodding Ryu stands up happily and also excitedly saying "I'll be right back, I'm just gonna get ready" everyone nods and waits for Ryu.

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