Zendaya shrugged, "Does no harm. Sure, why not dork." She teased him over his awkwardness, taking out her phone to exchange numbers.

As Zendaya handed her phone to Tom, there came her boyfriend.

"Hey baby? Who's this?" He gave a grossed out look towards Tom.

Tom glanced at him while putting his number in Zendayas phone, he quickly gave her phone back then tried turning to leave but Z pulled him back by his shirt.

"Trevor, he's my assistant. He's just taking Darnells spot for today since he's sick and shit." She came up with, and it was convincing.

Toms breathing was anxious, him anticipating the confirmation from her boyfriend.

Trevor eyed him up and down then laughed, pushing Tom on the shoulder lightly. "Yeah, that's fine. Is he gay too? Puny guy."

Tom grit his teeth, tensing up. He snapped out of it though as Zendaya put an arm around Tom. "Yeah, he is." She stared up at Trevor with her doe eyes.

Tom assumed she was just joking with her boyfriend and that he knew she wasn't being serious with him but Trevor made an O with his mouth, pouting out his lips. "Sorry, haha. I didn't think you were actually gay."

"I'm not!" He was gonna say but Zendaya slapped her hand onto his mouth. "You're blabbering too much, come on."

Trevor nodded and went ahead, but Tom wouldn't let Z drag him with them. "I can't! I have to stay with my brother, and I don't feel like coming with anyways. You just called me gay." He spat, acting all grumpy.

"I think your brother'll be just fine." She laughed, seeing Harry talking to some random girl in the cafe.

"And I said you were gay otherwise Trevor would be giving you and me trouble until you leave."

toms pov

I followed Zendaya as she lead the way to her car. It felt like I was being dragged along like a dog, I didn't mind if it was by her though.

A bit later, we were all gathered up in the car, Trevor in between the both of us. He was trying to small talk with me, which annoyed me but I didn't wanna seem rude.

"So you know Darnell, Thomas?" Trevor asked, playing a game on his phone.

Me and Zendaya made eye contact, she smiled teasingly at me because I had no idea what to say.

"Uh, yeah I do. Not well though." I responded, looking down at my lap, running my hands over it nervously.

third pov

"Hey, make a stop here. I need the restroom." Trevor told the driver, and he did. The driver drove into the lot of a gas station and Trevor climbed over Zendaya to get out.

Before he did, he held her face in his hand then kissed her for a good three seconds.

Tom had his elbow leaning on the side of the door, resting his head on his fingers. He turned his head, a bit disturbed by the kiss.

Zendaya giggled as Trevor closed the door, she looked over at Tom and scooted next to him.

"Kissings nasty to you huh? How old are you?" She was curious, confused on whether he was either twelve or fifteen.

"No, I've kissed someone before. And I'm seventeen. Why?" He answered, while staring out the window.

"Ooh, how interesting." Her voice teased again, not paying attention to his age yet.

"Who was it with bud?" She said, treating him as if he was a child because she thought he was way younger than she was.

"A pretty girl, real pretty." Tom said nonchalantly.

"First kiss and you're what? Thirteen?" She widened her eyes, a bit surprised.

"I just said I was seventeen, how old are you? Because I don't think you're that much older than me." He looked at her, eyeing her up and down.

"You're seventeen? What? No way, I'm sixteen." She gasped a bit, there was absolutely no way he was older than her.

"Whens your birthday? Don't hesitate, because then I'll know you're lying." She side eyed him sort of playfully, it was hard to explain.

"June 1st, 1996." He said instantly, delivering a cocky smile towards her.

"And yours?"

"September 1st, 1996.." She squinted her eyes, he seriously looked like a tween.

"Thirteen, huh?" Tom laughed at her, finally able to get in some teasing back at her.

"Yeah yeah, I wouldn't be the only one thinking you're thirteen. Don't push it dude!" She rolled her eyes.

an hour later

"Bye babe!" Trevor was leaning out the car door, getting a kiss from Zendaya.

She waved bye to him then closed the door, Tom was behind her since she invited him to come crash at hers.

"Lets go!" She exclaimed, running into her decently big house. He was in an awe, he wanted to ask her questions but didn't, not until they got into her room.

He observed around seeing a poster with her on it and "KC Undercover" in bold, he furrowed his eyebrows just to see the disney logo in the corner.

"Wait, you're in disney?" He asked

"Uh, yeah." Zendaya looked at him then the poster beside him, smiling at his realization. She laughed and turned towards her desk, organizing it.

"You do acting?"


"Oh, um. I do too." He awkwardly said, trying to somehow make himself just as relevant as she was.

"Really?" She took her attention off of her organizing and leaned against her chair, arms crossed. Her tone visibly said that she thought he was bluffing.

"Acting in what? Kids bop?" She laughed at her own joke but looked to see Tom with an unamused face.

"No, movies. Actual movies. Matter of fact, I started acting last year. You ever heard of the impossible? Its a great movie, I'll tell you that miss Disney star."

Zendaya held her hands up infront of her as if she was being told to by a police, "Woah, okay. Chill with the name calling. I've never heard of that movie, which is probably because you don't actually act do you?"

Tom had his hands, holding his waist then clicked his tongue, a bit stressed. "You wanna watch the impossible?" He asked, giving her a fake smile.

"Sure." She nodded, jumping onto her bed grabbing her remote.

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