"Not like that! I mean don't mess around with her powers. That arm is strength enough. Add a few more powers if you wish and give her a bit of armour but don't hurt her. We may still be able to save her yet."

The boy nodded and snapped his fingers. His belt slid apart to reveal hundreds of tools, wires and gadgets. He swiftly got to work and Benny moved away.

Josh was strapped up securely, chest rising and falling at a rapid rate. His skin was turning red and blue and random lumps stuck up all over his skin, bright white. His eyes flew open and were briefly red before snapping shut again. He emitted a low groan, skin returning to normal before spontaneously combusting.

"Get him under control!" Benny shouted, backing away a few steps. One brave scientist reached out and Josh - no, Burn - laughed, grabbing the man's wrist, eyes still tightly shut.

"You can never leave," he rasped, giggling. Benny pressed a button on his watch for complete shutdown and ushered the scientists out of the room. Unfortunately there was nothing he could do for the plucky soul who had tried to help, him being turned to ashes by Burn's power.

Benny swore under his breath and half-ran to the other side of the room, turning on his heel and checking Rebecca's progress. Her hair stood on end and electricity crackled around her hands. Benny felt the hairs on his arms slowly raise and he shivered, static making the air vibrate.

Sophie was the next teenager hooked up to machines. Pointed ears stuck out through her hair and a tail curled around her waist. She was breathing evenly, skin taking on a light brown, shiny effect, almost as if she were covered in fur.

Shaade was the final experiment, placed next to Georgina in order. The teenage scientist shuffled aside as Benny walked over, noting down Shaade's heartrate on the back of his hand.

"Interesting," Benny murmured to himself. Shaade flickered out of sight and back into view every so often, a different person taking his place. This person had darker hair, black clothes (not much change there) and with completely black eyes. Shaade's eyes would open a few seconds at a time to reveal that they were blue again.

"There," the boy said, running a hand through his hair, only adding to the 'pattern'. "Her arm has been upgraded."

"How do you mean?" Benny asked, turning around and frowning. The boy grinned.

"I was thinking about the design," he said. "It looked a little too much like Iron Man's arm and so I edited it. The buttons have gone and the hologram panel is activated by waving your hand over the dark blue stripe. The colours, as you may have noticed, have changed too. From red and gold to blue and black, much more classy and spy-like."

"Very nice," Benny said, nodding approvingly. "It fits Rainfall's uniform."

"They're going to be wearing a uniform?"

"Yep. Black jacket and trousers, navy top and dark brown belt and holsters."

"Does everyone wear that?"

"All our agents, yes."

"But the Super Glitches aren't agents," the boy pointed out. "Look at them.

'Shaade has a second person living inside him. Josh also does but his is a lot more dangerous, a combustible demon. Together they work well as a team but rely on one another for protection and well, sanity.

'Georgina is strong. She didn't die or lose too much blood when she lost her forearm and that is true strength. She also learnt to work that metal thing a lot quicker than you'd expect - hang on, did I say she lost her arm?" The boy frowned and then nodded. "Yeah, I did. Well, that's wrong."

Super Glitches 5: The Soldier's VowWhere stories live. Discover now