2: runaway

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I threw my clothes and some cds and stuff in my bags. Putting my guitars in their cases and getting my amps. I went to my bathroom getting all the stuff I needed like toothbrush, razor, etc. throwing them in my bag and I waited. My mother never came to check on me I guess she was to shocked to. That felt so good. I've always been rebellious but I've never done something like that. I waited till I knew for sure my mother was asleep and I called hunter because I knew he would be awake.

"Hey, bitch" he answered
"Hey fucker" I laughed
"So ummm I need a favor..." I said hesitantly
"What is it?" He asked
"Can I stay with you for a while? I'm leaving my moms house cus she's a total bitch" I asked hopefully
"Yea sure" he replied
"Really? Thank you so much I owe you one"
"I'll be there in 20" I said hanging up and dragging my crap out to my car. Making sure to be very quite I put everything in the trunk and backseat leaving a short note.

Dear mother,
I hope your happy. I'm not changing for you nor anyone else and being ladylike is stupid so screw you and this may be the last you hear from me for a while

Lots of hate, y/n

I laughed at the last part as I stuck it on the fridge. I drove to hunters listening to Black Sabbath and singing along. When I got there I just brought in a small bag and left the rest of my stuff in the car for now. I just went inside not wanting to wake his dad. I lightly pecked on his door and he opened it.
"Hi" I smiled
"Hey" he said as he opened the door signaling for me to come in. I came in and layed down in the floor looking at the ceiling
"What happened?" Hunter asked me.
"Ha what didn't happen. Well when I came home my mother went all 'I want my daughter to have class' and metal head freaks and devil worship on me. And then.. well she said something about you that just pissed me off so I told her to suck it and here I am"
"You ran away because your mother doesn't like me?" He grinned
"Don't flatter yourself, she's just a bitch in general" I laughed
"Music?" He asked
"Ozzy please"
We just sat there for a while in comfortable silence listening to music but soon the room was filled with laughter and singing and well even some flirting.

We were singing straight to hell by Ozzy Osbourne and just having a great time.

"Hey man do you mind if I smoke in here?" I ask
"Go ahead" he replied
"Want one?" I ask him
"Why not?" He takes one from me and we sit there calmly smoking.
"Well I'm tired. I'm going to go to sleep" I say as I lay down on his bed that was fairly big so it wasn't weird. "Goodnight" hunter says
"Night" I reply


The alarm goes off at 7:00 and I wake up first so i use the guest bathroom in the room I would be moving into. I take a shower and get dressed wearing a "Megadeth" t shirt and yet again baggy jeans. I put on some eyeliner and fixed my hair. After grabbing my back pack I grabbed a piece of toast to eat and left at about 7:45 . I got to school 5 minutes before class started and hunter met up with me then.

We went to the library for lunch. And hunter talked about Troy nix of kill at ton.
"Battle of the bands could be huge for us"
"Hunter we need a bass player" I said
"Well I'll make some flyers for auditions" he said and we went to our next classes. Kevin was telling us about this girl in band who went crazy apparently.

"Oh and we should definitely go to that dudes party" Kevin said.
"Why?" I asked
"I don't know to socialize, have fun"
"Kevin, I don't know if you realized this but we're not exactly the most popular people here. We're the freaks" I laughed
"He said everyone is invited"
"Wait wait wait- Molly coddle is playing there. They suck they like are a pop band" hunter interrupted
"God I hate pop music" I fake gagged and hunter laughed.
"Well we still need to go" Kevin urged on
"Fine. But if they play Ed sheeran I'm gone" hunter said as I nodded.

(Quick a/n: ik this chapter isn't great so far but school and stuff is hard to write so I'm going to try to make it better)


After a long day at school it was time to go to the party. I was not excited. I asked hunters dad if I could crash there for a while and he always liked me so he said yea. Hunter helped me bring my bags into the guest room and I started grabbing my clothes and finding a outfit for the party. Nothing to fancy but a small white silk dress and ripped stockings I put them on and looked in the mirror. Yea. I liked it.
I also touched up my hair and makeup. "Y/nnnnn"
Hunter called from downstairs. "We're going to be late dingus" he yelled again. And I ran downstairs in my old beat up converse as he stood there mouth agape. "What is this to slutty?" I laughed
"No it's just.. you look ... pretty.."
"Well I'd like to think so" I smiled
"And since when did you care about being late?" I asked
"I don't really- I just- never mind"
"We'll come on bill denbrough"
I grabbed his hand and went out the door. I was riding w ith him so I got in the car and looked through his cds choosing a Iron Maiden one and we sang along to the trooper.
We eventually made it to the party where we met Kevin.
"Woah y/n" he said looking me up and down.
"Seriously tho?! Is it to slutty?" I asked again.
"No" hunter said glaring at Kevin
"Well then let's go motherfuckers" I say walking into the party.

Hunters pov:

Y/n went into the building and I stood there with Kevin. "Are you gonna tell her?" He asked, referring to my feelings for y/n.
"I don't know how man" I replied
"Oh don't pull that shit. She obviously likes you"
"Oh Is that so smart ass?"
"Yes it is! Do you see how she looks at you? You guys have so much in common it's unreal"
"Fine I'll tell her. But not now" he shakes his head as we walk in looking for y/n. I heard the horrible pop music playing but I heard something else. A subtle music, Motörhead I believe. I found the room it was coming from but the door was locked so I banged on it and it opened to reveal y/n standing there with speakers everywhere blasting ace of spades and a bottle of vodka in her hand.
"I couldn't stand that fucking shit for another minute" she laughed. I came into the room and she grabbed the bottle and took a big drink. And started dancing everywhere in that very small dress so I wanted to look away but couldn't . I leave her alone for 15 minutes and she is already half way wasted. Kevin then comes and gets us and we stand there listening to the terrible music.
"FUCK OFF KEVIN" y/n whined as he dragged her out of there. And then that dipshit from school decides to start a fight with me and shove me into the keyboard breaking it in half.
"ASSHOLE" y/n yelled at him. But he ignored her as the singer from Molly coddle tried to help me up.
"Let me help you-"
"No let me help you! You guys suck"
"Sorry you feel that way.. do you play?"
"Yeah I have a band! A real band! With my friends" I drug Kevin and y/n beside me.
"Hey motherfuckers" y/n flipped them off
"I guess we'll be seeing you at the battle of the bands then"
"Yea you will!" I say as I walk away hand In hand with y/n still drinking the vodka.
"We better go home" I said to her
"No let's do something fun!" She said
"Y/n, your drunk and probably tired"
"Noo let's go to the drive in. They are playing the dirt, it's the one about Mötley crüe"
"I guess." We get in the car and drive to the place and set on the hood of my car watching the movie.
After the movie she is practically a zombie stumbling around everywhere.
We go back home and she has the bright idea to do the lighter and hairspray trick like Tommy lee In the movie. So she grabs the lighter out of her bag and a can of hairspray and it worked even though she almost caught the fucking house on fire.
"Ok I'm gonna go to bed now" she slurred her words a bit but then she did something absolutely crazy. She kissed me. On the lips. And went to the guest room. I jumped in the air but my mood soon turned when I remembered she was completely wasted. It could have just been a spur of the moment thing. Maybe there wasn't anything there. Regardless I knew she would have a massive hangover and would probably want to skip tomorrow so I turned off my alarm so I could sleep in.

Well my boyfriends in the band (hunter Sylvester x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now