He didn't rise to On's I told you so nor any Hong and Raon's finally! He just allowed them their victory, chuckling as he acknowledged that yes, you were right. Enjoy it while it lasts. Because Kim Rok Soo would never deprive his children of a victory.

Even if it was a bit embarrassing for him.

As he packed up five lunches for the day and Choi Han's wrapped around his waist, his boyfriends chin resting on his shoulder, Kim Rok Soo let out a muted laugh. "What?"

"Just wanted to touch you."

"You're ridiculous."

Kim Rok Soo loved it though. Loved the simple and easy ways that Choi Han transparently showed his affection and devotion. Loved how easy it was together.

"I still can't believe it." Choi Han said softly, placing a small kiss on Kim Rok Soo's neck.

"Believe what?" Kim Rok Soo asked indulgently, already mostly done with his work and glancing at the clock. They had a few more minutes before he had to wake up the children.

"That we can be together like this." Choi Han's hold tightened and Kim Rok Soo sensed the tiniest anxiety in the movement.

He scoffed. "Why believe or disbelieve it? I love you and you love me. It'd be stranger if we weren't together."

There was a pregnant pause in the room that caused Kim Rok Soo some confusion.

Finally Choi Han spoke, his voice sounding a bit winded. "...you love me?"

He turned his head to give Choi Han a look. "Why are you asking the obvious? Of course I do."


Had he ever seen Choi Han's face quite this red.

"I love you too." He said, sounding a bit weak.

Kim Rok Soo rolled his eyes. "Again with the obvious." He kissed the silly man on the lips before returning to his work, placing each box into its own little bag.

Choi Han turned him around and pulled him into another kiss, a bit more passionately than Kim Rok Soo would normally allow in the morning but the spontaneity of it was a pleasant surprise.

Choi Han's hands trailed down his back and hugged him flush against his body.

By the time he broke the kiss, Kim Rok Soo was winded and flushed. "...what was that for?"

Choi Han chuckled and rested his forehead against Kim Rok Soo's. "You've never said it before, you know. I thought I was the only one."


That was a bit awkward. Kim Rok Soo opened and closed his mouth in an attempt to find an appropriate response but instead he just came out with a lame.


Choi Han chuckled and shook his head. "It's okay. I still love you."

The warmth welled up in his chest as Choi Han said the words, so simple and sweet, looking at him like he was his whole world...

Ah, maybe that was the reason to say the obvious. Kim Rok Soo knew that Choi Han loved him. It was obvious once he got over the 'he's probably straight' misconception. But there was a difference between knowing and being told.

It was best to have both.

"...I love you too." He said, feeling a bit shy about the words but it was worth it for how Choi Han positively glowed with delight upon hearing it.

If he could get Choi Han to smile like that, maybe a few obvious words weren't so bad.

"It's time to wake up the kids though." Kim Rok Soo said, ever the killjoy.

"Hm, you're right." Choi Han replied but he didn't pull away.

Kim Rok Soo didn't either.

"It can wait a few more minutes." He admitted.

"You're right." Choi Han repeated and he loved the simple way Choi Han said things like that but he meant it. He could hardly feel like he deserved Choi Han's admiration but it was still nice. Nice to be something special in his eyes.

Kim Rok Soo figured he'd just have to become something worthy of that admiration and it would all work out fine.

"You should kiss me again." Kim Rok Soo said, a smile twitching onto his lips.

"You're absolutely right."

It was a bit of a conundrum, how it had evolved this far.

Kim Rok Soo was still absolutely positive that Choi Han hated him in the beginning and he'd been scared of that vicious glare.

Then as natural as anything, they were together all the time.

If Kim Rok Soo were the sort of man to believe in fate, which he wasn't, he might have attributed it to that.

Choi Han might have acknowledged fate, if he bothered to think about that sort of thing at all.

But Raon was graduating into first grade now.

Raon Miru was an exceptionally happy child. And so were his elder siblings, On and Hong.

Choi Han wasn't sure he'd ever felt so emotional for a child to leave his class. Even though he'd see Raon at home and even though he'd be in the boy's life for the foreseeable future, there was a pride that welled up inside of him.

The scrawny, malnutritioned, terrified, and scarred up child who first entered his class was now leaving with a beaming smile, healthy weight, and a bright future ahead of him.

He'd gone so far.

Choi Han was grateful towards Raon.

Of course he loved the child. He was like a son to him, hopefully would be his son if Kim Rok Soo accepted the proposal, and anyone would love Raon Miru. He was great and mighty after all.

But aside from his affection as a teacher or love as a father, he was truly grateful for the existence of Raon Miru.

Choi Han hadn't been dissatisfied or unhappy with his life before but he hadn't ever known that he could feel this happy or fulfilled. By simple comparison, his life before felt empty.

Raon was the sweet child who entered his class in need of help and support. He really hadn't done anything special other than exist and be himself.

And just by existing, he'd given Choi Han the family he'd never even known he'd wanted.

Looking at the joyful child who was ready to graduate to the first grade, Choi Han smiled softly and patted his head.

"Thank you."

Raon cocked his head to one side in confusion, unsure what he was being thanked for, but smiled brightly all the same. He puffed out his chest proudly and replied.

"You're welcome! The great and mighty Raon Miru is always ready to help!"

It was great to be wrong.

Choi Han thought that Raon would be another heartbreak waiting to happen.

Really, Choi Han had never been happier in his whole life to be wrong.

And when Kim Rok Soo beat him to the proposal, he thought that it was really great to be wrong all over again.

Happiness was really that simple.

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