part 2- Conner and y/n..

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You return back to the Cyberlife building. As you and Conner are walking back, he says "You're awfully quiet, why is that? Something on your mind? I'm sure I could answer it. I am the highest model Android, there isn't much I can't answer.." as he locks eye contact with you. Knowing that asking isn't going to hurt, your curiosity gets the best of you. "Can androids.. lust? Like feel deep attraction?" You say, blushing profusely, as you see Conner's reaction. He laughed out loud. "I was expecting something out-of-pocket, but not quite that." He has another small laugh, and then answers. "Ofcourse they do. Androids are built to be like humans, but with more capacity for work and knowledge. Just like how I can lust for a human." And this time, he looks directly into your eyes. For a minute, you're oblivious, until you see what he was getting at. "Oh..OH." As you realize, Conner pushes you against the wall with his arm. He brings his hand up to your chin and lifts your face up to his. You lock eye contact, but this time he looks more serious. "You're really something, being able to make an Android fall for you." And he lean in. You suddenly feel his lips forced against yours and as you get more used to it he starts moving his arms down to your waist. But as he pulls away, he looks really frustrated. "W-whats wrong?" You ask, and then seeing his red face you look down to see his pants. He had a boner. You immediately felt your ears get hot and brought your glance back to his eyes. He quickly let go. "This wasn't supposed to be part of the mission.."

Conner x y/n -detroit: becoming humanWhere stories live. Discover now