.●•* II *•●.

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As I stand with my arms pulled from my sleeves and wrapped around my chest, the gates open with a soft clinking noise. "Please enter!" Cones through loudspeakers and the group step in, myself following shortly after the crowd, feeling out of place. "Close the gates!" The gates close behind us as the large crowd slam rhemselves against the gates, cheering with ecstacy.

"Dear visitors, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to my humble factory. Who am I? Well..."

The heavy metal doors disappear, and a curtain rises behind them, revealing a set of mechanical puppets which began to sing, "Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, The amazing chocolatier, Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, Everybody give a cheer- Hooray! He's modest, clever and so smart he barely can restrain it, With so much generosity There is no way to contain it! To contain it! To contain, to contain, to contain! Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, He's the one that you're about to meet, Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, He's a genius who just can't be beat, A magician and a chocolate wiz, The best darn guy who ever lived, Willy Wonka, here he is!"

I stare I surprise and step back a bit as the puppets catch fire. My body jumps involuntarily as my back collide with a hard surface. I didn't like this. From behind me came clapping and a childish giggle. I look up, my green eyes meeting one's enclosed by round goggles. I turn around and stare at them my who seems to be staring just as intently back. What an odd man. He had on a black coat that wrapped around his body, purple gloves with matching glasses and a black top hat.

"Wasn't that magnificent? I was getting a little worried it was sort of dodgy in

the middle part, but then, that finale! Wow!"

The group gave him an odd look, some jumping at his sudden appearance.

"Who are you?" The girl who was chewing that gum rather loudly asks, staring at the man with a look of a mix of boredom and disgust.

I take a moment to pick up the courage, my mouth feeling dry as I squeak out. "H-He's Willy Wonka."

The posh girl turns to me, grimacing with a look of annoyance. "Daddy, she's annoying me."

"Calm down, sweetheart, just pretend she isn't there."

I frown and ignore them, turning to look at the man that was now stood before us upon the steps, his mouth twitching like mine would when I was nervous. His head slides towards me and I nod, feeling as if it were only right to do so.

"Good morning, starshine." He says, head turned in my direction. "The earth says hello!"

I smile at his little statement, nestling into my coat as a few of the kids turn to stare at me. Why was everyone so aggressive?

Minus my little stiffled laugh, he was met with an awkward silence. With a fumble he reaches into his pocket and pull out a small pile of cards, searching for a second before reading put what was written, his nerves as broad as daylight. "Dear guests, greetings! Welcome to the factory! I shake you warmly by the hand. My name is Willy Wonka." He stands for a moment, with his hand held out awkwardly.

As he began to pull away, I stepped up and grabbed his hand, feeling him flinch from my touch making me wince. "N-Nice to meet you, Mr Wonka, Sir."

A small smile plays upon his lips as he firmly shakes my hand, before lifting his other to remove it. I simply let go and cower back slightly behind the group, feeling their stares pierce me.

The posh girl crosses her arms, sending me a shiver inducing glare before turning to look up to Mr Wonka. "Then shouldn't you be up there?"

"Well, I couldn't very well watch the show from up there, now, could I, little girl?" His comment was met with silence. "Let's get a move on, kids!"

The group follows after the tall man, myself struggling behind as they walk up the snow covered stairs. I slip on the last one as the plump boys asks about whether Mr Wonka wanted to know their names. The top hat wearing man turns as he hears my little huff of annoyance, brushing the snow from my coat. My eyes meet what I guessed was his as he eyed my small figure standing back up and scuttling after the group.

"Come quickly." He says, directing the first bit to me. "There's far to much to see." He turns around and walks again once I had caught up and followed after the group, the metal doors sliding to a close behind us.

(795 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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