💗Chapter 3💗

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Guide (since I think it's needed):
Y/N's (and other people's) thoughts
Y/N's (and other people's) Daydreams/Dreams
Saiki's thoughts
"Saiki speaking with telepathy"
"Saiki speaking with his mouth"
"Saiki speaking to Y/N directly"

~💗~ = time skip
~|💓💗💓|~ = segment change


I peek over Kusuo's shoulder to look at the letter, after he explained to me that someone knew about his powers. I ended up going to his place for an emergency sleepover-which normally only happens when I have a nightmare and/or watch a scary movie I shouldn't have. I technically don't have to stay the night since I could just go home...but I would never miss the opportunity to eat Mrs S' dinner...and to hang out with Ku I guess.

"He's already calling me Master?" Kusuo asks "He's gone from apprentice to servant..." I snort, Kusuo rests his hand on his forehead. "The real news is that there's other psychics out there. I wonder what he's like. I should find out before he shows up." Kusuo says seriously "How?" I ask, Am I about to learn about another one of Ku's abilities? How many does he have?!


Kusuo pulls on his skin and a glove comes off, "The ability to read a person feeling and memories that have been stored in an inanimate object," He explains before hovering his hand over a Shonen Jump "For example, this Shonen Jump." He touches the paper. "The printing process, major spoilers, overworked artist. Just touching it, I'm overwhelmed with all this. Which is why I always wear extremely thin transparent gloves that help to keep this power in check." "So...you've been wearing gloves this whole time?" I ask, shooting him a confused look.

"My psychometry only works when I touch things directly, but now the gloves are off." Kusuo hovers his hand over the letter. The doorbell rings, causing us to freeze.


I sit on Kusuo's bed, staring at the guy. "Wow, your house is really normal!" He says, looking around the room "Whoa..." He says. He gets a little too close to me, "Get any closer and I'm cutting your balls off." I say with a grin. He slowly backs away "Ok...Ah, sorry! Where are my manners, let me introduce myself, my name is Reita Toritsuka. And it is a pleasure to meet you master! Let's see...I'm 16 years old-Ah! But you know all that because you can read my..." Toritsuka glances at me "ANYWAY-I know you. I've heard so much about you from people. Well, mostly dead people. Did I forget to mention that part?"

Ghosts are real?

"You can't see spirits, Master?" Toritsuka asks as I look around nervously "Not unless you're one." Kusuo states "Good for you. I see about 15 right now. A lot of them are around that girl." Toritsuka states. My eyes widen, I quietly stand up and walk out the room. I walk through the hall...down the stairs...and right out the front door. Forget the sleepover. I quickly walk into my room and duck under my covers.


I stare at my desk tiredly, I didn't get any sleep last night. I should've just called in sick Mom wouldn't have cared. I slouch, a small smile appears on my face, Oh well, at least I don't have to worry about that creepy ghost kid anymore.

"Hey, did you hear about that cool new transfer student in the class next door?"
"Wait, really? What's so cool about him."

"Ku, do me a favor and murder me, please." I sigh quietly, resting my head in my hands "I'm going to murder someone alright." Kusuo sighs, he stands and walks away.

Mind Over Matter | Kusuo Saiki x Reader Where stories live. Discover now