Chapter 11: School

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"I recall you asking a similar question," Ume said to Nanami, "I'm over five hundred years old."

"Wow," Kurama said, "So you're a full god, not a human god."

"Yes," Ume said, "I was reincarnated as such."

"What was your previous form?" 

"Apparently a human that died a very sad, violent death."

Kurama nodded and seemed to suddenly avoid eye contact, "Sorry I asked." He apparently was uncomfortable thinking about death.

"Death is too dark a topic for you?" Ume asked.

"No, I just don't see how you can say it so freely," Kurama said.

"I don't remember my past life much except for unclear fractions I see in my dreams," Ume said, "So I don't mind."

Kurama had nothing to say, so he turned and started talking to a few of his fangirls who had been waiting eagerly for him to finish speaking with Ume.

"You haven't experienced the hard parts of life yet, so you fear them," Ume said softly.

"What?" Kurama asked, glancing at her while he listened to the other girls.

"Death seems far off. Something that happens to others but that you never experience. So you're afraid. You want to pretend it doesn't exist," Ume said, "Am I mistaken?"

Kurama scoffed, "Yes, you are mistaken. I'm not afraid of death. If anything, I could care less."

"What about those that love you?" Ume asked, "Would you want them to mourn your death? Would you want them to miss you and know you caused that pain because you didn't care about your life or death?"

Kurama was silent before saying quickly, "I don't need love. It doesn't matter. I have my fans. That's good enough."

"You crave attention because you know you don't yet have anyone to mourn your death," Ume said softly, putting a hand gently on his arm, "You want to find a way to ensure that you live because you haven't found hearts to live on in yet."

Kurama's shoulders sank, but he suddenly turned sharply away and faced the front of the classroom.

"If you want to live on in people's hearts, be something to remember," Ume said, "Do things that make you truly memorable. I remember a very old friend, even if it's blurry, because he was remarkable. When I see him in my dreams, he is a beautiful glowing aura. Will you glow in other's dreams, or are you one that fades?"

"How am I supposed to be something to remember?" Kurama whispered, "My face is everywhere and everyone knows my name. What else could I need?"

"Love," Ume said, "If you can make someone love you, you'll live on in their heart."

"How would I know I loved someone?" Kurama whispered, then inhaled sharpy as though he wanted to pulled the question back into his mouth.

"Does someone have your interest?" Ume asked.

"No," Kurama said sharply, "Just tell me."

"She'll be the most beautiful thing to you in every way, even in ways you can't explain. Her words mean more to you than anyone else's. Everything she does is perfect and you can't picture a world where she isn't there to smile at you or say something sweet that you love to hear."

Kurama went silent before a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. His phone buzzed and he lifted it and answered.

"Yeah, I'll be there," he said before hanging up and turning to Ume and Nanami, "See you later girls. And next time, keep the sappy stuff to a minimum."

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