Chapter 2 - Love Me, Leave Me, Lie To Me

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Sometimes, even the memories held closest to the heart are the most painful.


// backbiting, rumours of physical abuse, separations, blood (metaphor), violence (metaphor)


Soft, cooling wind combed Sapnap's hair, forming it into a hairstyle that looks as if he had just gotten out of bed. With every step he takes, the wind got harsher and stronger until it eventually turned from gentle rubbing to harsh slapping. Despite his eyes now squinting, his mind still runs wild about the boy in his dreams, asking questions such as "Who is that boy?" "Will you ever see him again?" and creating scenarios in his head about the two of them, whether he will run away for the second time, his personality, and many more that could disappear into the back of his foggy mind by the time the next thought was made.

He, dressed in black and blue, strolled through the park, where the golden sunlight of dawn covered the entire town and the rays of sunrise melted into the clouds above. Unlike a midnight festival, the park was calm and quiet. Faint, incomprehensible whispers were only heard between conversations of friends, and each footstep was like a cat's paws on a carpet. Some came for the mouth-watering foods served at stalls sat on the walkway; some came to take memorable photos in the golden hour; and others, like Sapnap, came to breathe the fresh air and reorganise their thoughts. However, the peaceful atmosphere didn't stop a man from running toward him.

"Sapnap! Sapnap!", the man called out. Even though the wind was strong, it didn't manage to knock over the maroon beanie hugging his hair.

"What is it, Quackity?", Sapnap asked.

"Do you remember our previous neighbour Wilbur?"

"Wilbur who always wears the brown sweater and white shirt whenever he leaves the house or Wilbur who was studying at university before he moved out of the country with his parents?"

"Wilbur with the brown sweater and white shirt."

"Oh, him. Yeah, I've had my fair share of arguments with him, but what about Wilbur?"

Quackity looks down as if he had a foul taste enter his mouth, but he didn't eat anything since the last dinner. "Did you... do something to him?" His voice, as if holding back a million questions, became more and more muffled with every word.

"What do you mean?"

"Out of all the arguments you have had with him... did you get somewhat... physical?"

Sapnap's gaze shot at Quackity. "Could you please repeat that?"

"Physical fights alongside arguments, did you do that?"

His face turned into a disgruntled and confused expression. "No, I didn't! I would never raise my fist to anyone even if I hated them with a burning passion, and before he left we made up and are on good terms now; Wilbur and I even told you that. How could you possibly create that out of thin air?"

Quackity's eyes looked as if they were about to create a waterfall of tears. "I didn't create that."

"Then who did?" Sapnap grabbed his shoulders and shook him until his vision started getting hazy and his body almost lost its balance. "Tell me now, who did it?!"

"Dre-Dream... Dream told the entire neighbourhood, and it spread like wildfire. The rumours eventually reached me but I refused to talk about it until I talk to you about it." Quackity avoided any more eye contact; he can't handle seeing his friend furious like this. However, instead of Sapnap shouting at the top of his lungs like he usually would, it was his eyes that created the waterfall of tears, messing up his vision.

They stood still without uttering another word to each other, Quackity staring at the crying man in front of him, his shocked and depressed face coated with layers of waterfalls, and his faint whimpers slowly crushing the other's heart into shards, shards that could be used to hurt another if Quackity wished to use them. People were staring at them, whispering and creating possible explanations as to why Sapnap was crying, however, both didn't pay any heed to them as the sorrow prevented them from turning their heads or hearing their murmurs.

And with Sapnap finally catching a single breath, he muttered, "Thank you for telling me," before walking away and leaving for his house. The other opened his mouth to say something, possibly a comforting sentence with honeyed tones, but a sigh followed by silence was the only thing said.


Sapnap slammed the door shut, which shook Dream to his soul.

"Is everything okay?", the blonde asked, observing his bloodshot eyes.

He walked up to his roommate, now with fury blinding his vision, curled his hands into a fist, and asked, "Did you do it?"

"Did what?" His voice made him seem as though he wore blinding-yellow halos and snow-white wings.

"Don't lie to me!" Sapnap's voice boomed across the entire house, shaking it. "You said I hurt Wilbur, didn't you?"

Dream instantly knew what Sapnap was talking about - which slanderer wouldn't instantly know about the hurtful lies they have been spreading, especially if it is about someone who has gained your trust and someone you see every day? He turned his gaze away from him, "watching" the forest that stood outside their window, but Sapnap grabbed his face and pulled it closer to his own as if looking inside his eyes to find the truth that was concealed for many years.

"Don't lie to me," his voice got softer but anger and sadness were still felt in the whispers of his words. "You did it, didn't you?"

After seconds that seemed like minutes, Dream gave a small nod which wouldn't have been noticed if it wasn't for his wrists feeling his hands move along with his head.

Sapnap took his palms off of the blonde's face and sprinted up the stairs, nearly tripping. He swung his bedroom door open with a bang and started noisily shoving his belongings into his bag, in contrast to the whispered insults under his breath while he did so. Dream silently followed after him, peering at his now ex-friend.

A loud zip was heard, followed by a turn of Sapnap's body and footsteps leaving his room. He paused in front of Dream, and as he stared at his face filled with regret one last time, he only said one last sentence to him: "Never talk to me again."


"Let's go home. Your home."

The afternoon had come with the blink of an eye, and Quackity didn't realise that Sapnap was standing in front of him. The air which was once filled with fury and sombre had finally turned still, though not containing any hints of joy or relief, and the disaster had finally calmed down. However, it didn't manage to calm Sapnap, who stopped crying after wrapping himself into a ball for over an hour behind Dream's house.

Quackity gave a nod, and the two of them started walking down the street. No more words were muttered between each other. Silent walks with each other side-by-side reminded them of their younger, innocent lives at school; they would stroll down the corridors with a friend or a group of such, all of their heads in their worlds which they have created themselves, with no one to interrupt the serenity and tranquillity spoken between them. This time, said serenity and tranquillity were replaced with hopelessness and stress, and the peace which they once had during walks like these was gone.

"I'm sorry."

Sapnap turned to Quackity as he couldn't catch his soft mumble. "Please repeat?"

"I'm sorry." A stinging tear rolled down Quackity's cheek as they stopped scrapping the soles of their shoes against the rough concrete. "I'm sorry for breaking your friendship."

An arm was wrapped around Quackity's back, a hand slowly but softly patting his shoulder. "It's okay," he comforted. "Sometimes, it's better to face the bitter truth than sweet lies. At least this explains a lot about the change in everyone's behaviour when Wilbur left."

"Their...their behaviour changed?"

Sapnap hummed. "After Wilbur left, whenever I leave the house everyone started to watch me like I'm some sort of monster, a criminal who had just gotten out of prison or has been wanted for years, a demon in their dreams..." Dreams... the word instantly made him think of the brunette boy, the word instantly made him think of his ex-roommate, and he didn't realise he was no longer speaking.

Quackity forced a chuckle. "I guess now you know about your friend's true side."

"Ex-friend now." One last tear fell from Sapnap's left eye.

The arm was removed, and they continued to silently amble away from the park.


Night fell as fast as the afternoon came.

Sapnap refused to eat anything, or even take a sip of water. Quackity was immensely worried for his new roommate but believed that it would be better if he didn't disturb him. It took everything inside of him to not go up to his bedroom to check on his mental health or bring him dinner, and something inside of him told him that he should, but he ignored the thoughts and only kept repeating the same phrases over and over again: "Sapnap needs some time to calm down." "Sapnap needs some time to himself." "Sapnap needs some time to process what happened this afternoon."

But Sapnap couldn't process it.

The painful memories of him and Dream, complied in his mind like a book, were being read through over and over again, the flowers between the sheets of paper wilting, the pages slowly ripping apart and turning yellow, the leather cover rotting as mould crawled into the cracks where it rested. Every photo of them together was like a blow to the head, every gentle word coming from his ex-friend's mouth written in smudged ink on the paper was like a kick in the stomach. He never realised how precious moments which once brought him joy could end up bringing him misery, as if those moments were wrapped in thorns of fragrant, delicate, crimson roses and were relaxing on his hands, unaware that they were making his palms ooze red, thick liquid.

But Sapnap was definitely aware.

He slammed the book shut, threw his rose-wrapped memories into a corner and launched himself on the bed, refusing to think of his ex-friend and forcing himself to go to sleep. However, the waves of despondency still crashing harshly onto him prevented him from dreaming.

The brunette boy was out of his reach once more.


Just a note that I didn't mean to harm Wilbur or Dream in any way, this was purely for the fanfiction. 

Promises are ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora