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This church is all I've ever known. I wasn't a nun or a sister, i am just here. Papa II found me one day while wandering around in the woods. I was hurt and betrayed and confused. He looked at me with strict yet sad eyes. He held me in his arms and carried me back to the church, back into his office. His most beloved ghouls, alpha and omega, right at his side. "Please ghouls, take her to my guest room. It shall be hers." I had followed the ghouls down the dark hallway, feeling so small next to them. I was scared. I felt out of place. And alpha didn't seem to like having a worthless, scared, human girl around. Omega was more than nice though.

I heard rumors that father nihil was going to let his youngest son become papa III but that would mean that he would get rid of papa II. The man who makes me feel so cared for. Which is why now, I'm left outside in the rain with papa III, in secret, begging him to listen.

"Everyone says nihil killed papa I! Please don't let him take 2 from me!" I wiped the streaming tears that blended in with the rain drops.

"You not need to worry darling. One was just a very old man. But two isn't so old, he'll be okay!" Papa III told me with a clueless smile.

"Well when you're replaced and you're head is on a stick don't come crying to me!" I stomped inside, dropping wet raindrops.

"Oh dear! You must be cold!" Omega ran over to drape a towel over my shoulders. The alpha came over and hugged my wet form. Suddenly i was dry and really warm.

"Fire ghoul omega, i took all the cold away."

"Thank you alpha.. You suddenly are being so nice. Why?"

Alpha looked at omega, whose eyes told him not to speak anymore. But alpha doesn't care.

"Our papa said that when three is new papa that we must still take care of you."

I frowned. "Not you guys too."

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