Part 1

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I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter! If you did, please vote and comment! It helps me know that you want more chapters.

*Beep Beep Beep*

My alarm said as it told me to wake up. I am
Y/n Romanoff-Hill. My parents are Natasha Romanoff and Maria Hill. Yes, the Natasha and Maria. I have a 'dad bod', and am 18 years old. I am also straight. It's hard living as a closeted heterosexual. Sometimes I wish that Doctor Strange could send me to a universe where being straight is the normal. After five minutes of procrastinating, Maria came in to get me up.

"I knoooooow." I groan, getting up before she had time to say anything. I inch myself out of the bed, and stand up, stretching before I start the day. I never like it when either of my moms pull me out of bed, because I sleep in my underwear, and when they pull me out, my morning wood is on display.

I put on my robe, and walk down to the kitchen in Avengers Compound. I grab myself a box of Kind cereal and low-fat milk. Once I'm done eating, I walk back up to my room, where I get my clothes, and bring them to the shower across the hall. I turn the shower on to its maximum heat, and clean my pimply face while waiting for it to heat up. Once the mirror is too foggy to see anything, I drop my robe, turn the temperature down to a little above medium heat, and get in.

Once I clean myself, I reluctantly turn off the nice water, and get out. I dry myself and put on my clothes, ready for the school day. I say goodbye to my moms, and leave the building.

As a safety precaution, I have to get picked up from the bus at my friend's house. I get in my car, and drive to Peter's house. Most people, except my closest friends think my name is Y/n Parker. It's sometimes hard to remember to write a different name on my homework, but my parents always double check my name before I turn it in.

The bus arrives, and we both get on, greeting the driver with a simple hi. I see Ned sitting near the back, and Peter and I walk back to him. Peter gives Ned a quick kiss, before sitting down next to him. I look around, and see an empty spot in front of Ned and Peter's seat, and beside Gwen and MJ's seat. I sit down, and the bus starts moving.

A few minutes later, the bus stops at a new house. I look up from my phone to see who the new kid is. As if in slow motion, a beautiful woman walks up the steps. She had shoulder length curly brunette hair. She looked around, and her eyes caught mine. She walked towards me and asked if she could sit here. I told her of course she could. Up close, I saw she had emerald green eyes, and wore no makeup, and was flaunting her beauty without products.

I dragged my eyes away from hers, and turned around to Peter. He is already looking at me, and raises his eyebrows with a suggestive manner. I rolled my eyes.

Basically everyone at school knew I was straight, because Flash outed me, when I didn't help him get a date with Peter. He doesn't understand when I say that Pete is taken. In his frustration, he told everyone at school my secret. Thankfully, it didn't spread any further, so I get to tell my parents on my own time. That is, if I tell them.

Once we got to school, Wanda, Peter, Ned, and I left together. When I got to the front door, I saw the principal, who stopped me.

"I see you have met our new student, Wanda Maximoff. I was hoping you could be the person to help her around the school. If you accept, I'll have her schedule changed to match yours." He said.

"Sure!" I say, excited that I get to see her more every day. He tells me that he'll notify the secretary to change her schedule.

After my first few classes go off without a hitch, I make it to gym with Wanda. I drop her off at the woman's locker room, and head to the men's. After a minute of struggling with the jammed door, my locker finally opens, and I start to change. As I strip my shirt and pants, I think about how Wanda is doing the same thing right now! I start to get aroused, so I quickly pull my pants on before anyone notices that I'm hard.

I meet her on the gym track, walking laps. I catch up to her, and match her pace. We talk for a while, but I'm not really paying attention to the conversation. Peter and Ned jog up to us, and match our pace. Then Flash struts over.

"Hey Y/n! Who's this, your new girlfriend?" He teases. I know I shouldn't be ashamed of who I am, but I blush nonetheless. Once again, Flash had outed me, when I wanted to do it on my own terms.

"Why don't you jump off a cliff, Flash!" Wanda said. She tilted her head, and I swear her eyes flashed red for a millisecond! God damn, she looked hot!

"What's going on here?" The PE teacher asked. He had evidently noticed what was going on, and wanted to break up any fights.

"Flash was bullying Y/n." Wanda said. "I told him to jump off a cliff." She explained with no remorse or fear.

"Well, thank you, but that's my job. I'll let you off this time since it's your first day of school, but I want you to tell a teacher instead." He says, and she nods in understanding.

I ran off in embarrassment. With Flash around, I couldn't have any joy or happiness in my life. I got in the bathroom and looked in the mirror, wishing that Flash would leave me alone. Peter walked in slowly, not wanting to annoy me.

"Hey, it's alright, Flash got in trouble." He said, trying to comfort me.

"No, it's not! He ruins everything for no reason!" I shout.

"Is this about Wanda?" He asks. I can't say anything, so I just nod. "I'm sure it's fine. She seems nice enough to not judge people based on their sexualities."

"Thank you." Is all I could say.

Mom, Mom, I'm straight ~ Wanda x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now