Chapter 2

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From Zachary's point of view

Okay so only child perks. I've never had to share a room. My parents spoiled me to death. I never had to be the first child to the table to have a piece of bacon.

The setbacks of being an only child. Well see my parents run a massive business. So the oldest child marries rich. Well I'm the only child so I will be marrying to double our family value.

My father has picked my partner. I've never met them.

Well today's the day.

I dress nice. I comb my hair so it's not a mess. I even put on a button up shirt.

I take a deep breath. I come down the stairs to the family room. I can hear my dad talking to someone. I cautiously enter the room. I hold myself tall.

My father smiles, "Zachary come on in here."

I come closer nervous. My father motions to an older man on the couch. His legs are slightly open and he seems to be rather tall and thin. His beard and hair have small traces of grey.

My father speaks, "this is Mr. Clark Adler."

I hold out my hand, "it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Adler."

He shakes my hand. His hand is warm and soft.

My father motions me to sit next to Mr. Adler. I sit slowly, still nervous. Mr. Adler looks at me closely.

My father speaks but I am not quite sure what he's saying.

I get my brain to zone back in, "what were you saying father?"

He smiles, "ah I see you're a little nervous, my son. I was telling you that Mr. Adler is your husband to be. He is very kind. I thought maybe you could spend some time together before the wedding. I know it's a while away still. But it'll be good to talk and get to know each other. Sound good?"

I look at Mr. Adler, "I wouldn't want to be a burden."

Mr. Adler touches my shoulder softly, "you won't be a burden. I thought maybe we could go for a walk. I'll be a proper gentleman and take you for lunch."

I look at my father, "is that okay?"

My father nods, "yes, my son."

I stand and Mr. Adler follows, "I'll speak to you soon."

He motions a goodbye to my father and leads me outside. We walk together and I relax as we talk. He has a soft accent that I really like. He seems nice enough too.

I brush my arm against his every so often as we walk. We don't hold hands. I barely know anything about him.

~~~~Small Time Skip~~~~

He crosses his legs, sitting on my couch. We sit a little bit apart.

We are watching the news. I am trying to be considerate of him.

I know he's older and would appreciate not being disturbed.

I chew my lip, thinking.

Mr. Adler stands and looks at me, "I'm going to go Zachary."

His accent makes the Z a little harder than I'm use to.

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