Chapter 39 (Summer)

Start from the beginning

James, who was about to say goodbye to Charlotte, noticed her distraction and followed her gaze, spotting Draco Malfoy, who was smiling at Charlotte.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me." He muttered under his breath, scowling at Malfoy. He started taking his wand out before Lily grabbed his arm and shook her head at him. Harry looked at his parents, confused, as James signed and put his wand back in his pocket.


"Charlotte, let's go on the train," Harry said.

"Right, yeah let's go." She said, looking back over at her family. She hugged her parents one more time before they both went on the train.

"Did Dad seem annoyed at the end?" Harry asked,

"I don't know." Charlotte shrugged as Harry got to the compartment his friends were in.

"I'll see you later. I'm going to go find Lavender and Parvati," Charlotte said. Harry nodded as he entered the compartment and shut the door behind him.

Charlotte continued walking down the compartment before seeing Lavender and Parvati, a few compartments down from Harry's.

"Charlotte! There you are! You took forever." Lavender said as Charlotte sat down.

"Sorry, rough morning," Charlotte said, as she took her hair down from the ponytail it had been, and fixed her hair.

"You look a little tired," Parvati said, concerned.

"I slept in late. We had a party for Hermione and Ron since they were chosen as Prefects."

"Oh, that's not surprising. Everyone knew Hermione would get it." Parvati shrugged, as Lavender frowned at Charlotte.

"Did you spend the entire summer with the Weasleys and Hermione? I invited you to my house like four times."

"I know I'm sorry, but with all the press about Harry, my parents didn't want to send me somewhere with people they don't know," Charlotte explained.

"Ugh really? What about Christmas?"

"I don't know. I don't think so. Maybe next summer." Charlotte explained. Lavender nodded.

"I'll take your word for it." She said.


An hour later, the compartment door opened and Draco walked in.

"There you are. I finally got a chance to escape," Draco said, ignoring Lavender and Parvati, before marching toward Charlotte, who stood up to greet him but instead he put his hands on her waist and pulled her into a kiss.

"Hello! There are people in the compartment!" Lavender yelled.

"I don't even think he looked at us, to be honest." Parvati laughed.

"No, I did, I just didn't care.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"And we're leaving," Lavender yelled, as she grabbed Parvati's arm and walked out of the compartment. Draco walked behind them and pulled the curtain down, so they would not be caught alone. Charlotte sat down, and Draco sat down next to her.

"How was your summer?" Charlotte asked as she grabbed his hand.

"Boring. I love my parents, but they were distracted this summer, so I spent most of the time alone in my room." He shrugged.

"What about you?" He asked,

"Not much. I stayed with the Weasleys. Harry had his hearing. Peter stayed with us."

"You met my sister." Draco suddenly whispered, and Charlotte nodded.

"Yes, I like her. She's great."

"She is." Draco agreed.

"Do you ever think about doing the same thing as she has?" Charlotte asked.


"Running away, going to live with a relative that doesn't have the same views as your parents," Charlotte explained, Draco signed.

"I'm still trying. I haven't changed all the views that my parents have taught yet. I can't change in a year what they've taught me for fifteen years now." He shrugged, looking away, feeling guilty towards Charlotte for not trying harder.

"That's okay," Charlotte said, putting her head against his shoulder as the compartment door flew open.

"Sorry to intrude on this lovely moment, but Harry's walking this way right now, and he's wondering where you are. Said that you have something he needs, I don't know, didn't explain that well." Lavender said, quickly.

"Ugh, I'm getting tired of this hiding," Draco said to Charlotte.

"It was your idea." Charlotte pointed out, as they stood up.

"I'll see you at the school," Draco said, ignoring her remark, as he quickly kissed Charlotte and ran out.

"You two are too affection."

"But very cute." Parvati laughed.

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