'Trick or treat?'

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"So, we were talking last night," Rah overheard Dustin. "And you're new here, so you probably don't have any friends to take you trick or treating."

"What do you mean she has no friends?" the girl interrupted.

"Uh, and you're scared of bullies, I mean." Dustin tried to save himself. "So we were thinking, that it would be okay if you come with us."

Rah shook her head in disbelief.

"It would be okay?"

"Yeah. Our party's a democracy, the majority voted you could come." the boy continued.

"I didn't actually take part in that." Rah told the red head.

"I didn't realize it was such an honour to go trick-or-treating with you guys?" Max teased sarcastically.

Dustin didn't realize that the girl didn't actually care, "We know where to get the full sized candy bars. We figured you'd want in."

"That's presumptuous of you."

Rah leaned forward, hitting her head against Max's locker.

"Yeah. totally, so.. You'll come?" the curly haired boy asked. Max suppressed a laugh, linking her arm with Rah's and began to walk off.

"We're meeting at the Maple Street cul-de-sac at seven. That's seven on the dot!" the boy yelled out behind them.


Dressed up as 'Shaggy' from 'Scooby Doo', Rah stood along side Dustin, Mike and Lucas waiting for Will to join them.

"Hey! Will!" shouted Dustin.

The girl turned around to watch as the boy waved goodbye to his brother.

"Will!" Lucas greeted, "Egon! You ready for tonight, man?"


The party yelled out a chorus of 'trick or treats' as an old lady opened her front door.

"Oh! Well aren't you cute, The little exterminators and a little.. Boy?"

Rah looked blank faced at the lady, before sinking her hand into the bowl and pulling out a heap of candy.

"If I get another 3 Musketeers, I'm gonna kill myself." Lucas complained.

"What's wrong with 3 Musketeers?" Dustin questioned. "What's wrong with 3 Musketeers?" Lucas repeated.

"No one likes three Musketeers." Mike said, Will agreeing with him. "Yeah, it's just nougat."

"Whoa, just nougat? It is top three for me." The boy admitted.

Rah widened her eyes at him, "no way." she exclaimed.

"Oh, god. Give me a break."

The party walked along the road, walking towards the next house before somebody in a 'Michael Myers' costume jumped out at them.

Rah lunged forward, aiming her fist at the person and making contact with their face, causing them to fall backwards. After checking further, the girl began to apologise profusely.

"Oh my god, Max. I'm so sorry!" she said, helping her up.

"Holy shit! You should have seen the look on your faces." Max laughed. "And you? Who screams like that? You sound like a little girl." That was sexist.

The red haired girl began to walk forward, stopping and turning around to the group. "Hey, you guys coming or not? Oh, I heard we should hit up Loch Nora. That's where the rich people live, right?"

Lucas and Dustin caught up to Max, Rah following shortly behind. The girl heard Mike sigh behind her, making her turn around to him.

"You got a problem Michael?" she asked, but the boy ignored her.


"Another full-size candy bar, seriously? Rich people are such suckers." said Dustin, " You're not rich, right?"

"No, I live up Old Cherry Road." The girl replied. "Wait, where do you live Rah?"

The girl hesitated before answering. "Oh, Um. I live just up past the woods." Lucas and Dustin raising an eyebrow at her.

Rah hadn't told the boys where she was living now, for obvious reasons.

"Anyways, it's fine." Max continued, sensing the tension. "The streets good for skating."

"Hmm, yeah totally tubular." said Dustin. "What?" asked Rah, wide eyed.

"Did I say that right, or is it like tubular." Dustin carried on, extending out the word.

"Its like, totally tubular." Lucas added.

"Oh my god." Rah laughed. "What a gnarly wave, dude!"

"Stop!" My ears are bleeding, the red head whined.

The four continued to laugh as Rah felt a tingle in her neck, whipping her head around, looking for Will.

"Mike! Where's Will?" the girl yelled out to him. The boy in question gave her a confused look before looking back and realizing that Will was not there.

The two ran off, in search for the boy. The other three following behind them.

"Guys, I found him!" Rah called out, crouching down in front of the smallest boy. "Will, can you hear me?"

The boy came back to his senses, looking around wildly. 'Will, are you okay?" Mike asked. "I couldn't find you, are you hurt?"

"Holy shit!" Dustin yelled as he ran down the stairs.

"Is he okay?" questioned Lucas, Max standing next to him.

Rah grabbed Will by the shoulders, helping him stand up. "We're gonna get you home, okay?"

"Alright take it easy," insisted Dustin. "I got him!" Mike raised his voice, pushing Rah out of the way. Asshole.

"Just keep trick-or-treating. I'm bored anyways." He huffed.

"Mike, seriously?" Rah called out to him, rolling her eyes.

The four watched in silence as Mike and Will walked away.

"What's wrong with him?" Max asked.

"Don't worry about it." The girl replied, smiling tiredly over at her, "Come on, let's head home."

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