Start from the beginning

"Give 'em hell, May." He looks worried. This is the first time I've seen Hangman show any other emotion than pride.

"You know I will, Jake." I squeeze his hand and continue walking to Maverick.

"Lieutenant May Austin." he greets.

"Captain Pete Mitchell."

"Listen. When I first saw you fly, I had no doubt in my mind that you would be the one to lead this mission. You're where you belong, Riot. Make us proud."

And with that he left. I walk to my jet with a new found confidence and start to prepare for leaving.

"May!" I turn around to see Bradley running towards me. "May!"

"Bradley, you need to get to your plane-"

"I know, I know. I just need to tell you something."

An announcement saying we need to get to our planes interrupts him.

"Hey, you can tell me when we get back." I grab his hand and try to give him the most calming smile. "Okay?"

He sighs with a worried expression on his face. "Okay."

As he starts to walk away, I yell after him. "You've got this, Bradshaw!"


"DAGGER ONE, UP AND READY AT CATAPULT ONE." I announce once I'm in position. This is it.

"Dagger spare, standing by." Hangman announces.

"Dagger four, up and ready."

"Dagger three, up and ready."

"Dagger two. Up and ready."

Once we got the okay, it was time to launch. I was the first one in the sky, followed by Rooster.

Here we go. This is it. This is it.

"Comanche, dagger one. Standby check in." I say once we are all in the air. I hope no one can tell how shaky my voice is.

"...recommend daggers continue."

"Copy, daggers descending below the radar."

"Daggers now below radar, switching to E2 picture."

"Here we go." I breathe. "Enemy territory up ahead. Feat drive 60 seconds. Comanche dagger one, picture."

"Comanche. Picture clean, decision is yours."

"Copy." I take a deep breath, leaving all my nerves and negativity outside my plane. I need to feel nothing but focus. "Dagger attack."

"Tomahawks airborne"

No turning back now.

"Daggers, assume attack formation." I order as I see the missiles fly over us.

"Daggers set, proceeding to target. Two minutes and 30 seconds in





"Two mark."

"Three mark."

"Four mark."

"Going in." I breathe as I enter the canyon. I breathe heavily as I twist and turn, the gravity starting to set on me. If I wasn't so focused on the mission at hand, I would gawk at the view. It is so beautiful here.

𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘 𝐌𝐀𝐘, BRADLEY BRADSHAWWhere stories live. Discover now