chapter 2_ kiss

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The next day

Sparta: Mike, Timba, Raptor, get up!! *screams from down the stairs*

Timba: Damn, I want to sleep *he says leaving his room* they don't let me sleep

Mike: what do you want man? I was already awake *yawns*

Sparta: and Raptor? Still not awake?

Timba: that reptile hasn't woken up, I'm surprised he's still asleep

Rius: I'm surprised that you're awake, Timba

Trolli: what are you doing standing here, we already want to leave

Sparta: me too, just that the useless reptile hasn't woken up

Victor: Well, go and wake him up, we have to go now, otherwise we won't be able to record

Sparta: why do I always have to wake up the useless Raptor? Why doesn't Mike or Timba go?

Timba: I don't want to go in there, and I don't want to wake up Raptor either.

Mike: I don't want to go into his room, I don't want being Otaku to rub off on me

Sparta: for the record I do it to be able to record, just for that.

-Sparta goes to the door of Raptor's room, and enters closing the door behind her-

Sparta: Raptor wakes up that we have to go to record, *moves Raptor who was asleep* jumh. [Wake up Useless!!]

Raptor: but don't yell in my ear, you leave me deaf with your piggy screeches

Sparta: hey! That I'm not a pig, and we already have to go record so move

Raptor: yes mom -<- here I go


Mike: Jolín, but how long does it take Mayo and Víctor, we already have to go

Victor: ok, we can go now, we couldn't find the camera

-they leave the compas mansion and get on the compa-neta to go to the place where they are going to record-

Mayo: ok then we're all going to play hide and seek, understood? And everyone has to have their gopro camera

Mike: then Trolli catches, everyone else hides, Trolli starts counting *runs*

Raptor: come Sparta, when we came I saw a good place to hide *grabs Sparta's hand*

Sparta: where are you taking me? {What if I make a Spartor joke for the video? Come on, just let us get there}

-in a moment they arrive and Sparta is ready to make the joke-

Raptor: we arrived, this is the place *excited*

Sparta: well.. {joke time} and why so far Raptor? What do you want to do to me?

Raptor: what do you say? It's not just for hide and seek {I follow the game?}

Sparta: sure just for that? *Approaches Raptor slowly*

Raptor: {let's play along} Man what do you think I'm going to do? Give you a kiss? Bah, you wish lol

Sparta: and why not? It's just a kiss...

Raptor: *kisses him in a long kiss* ehh, this never happened, I'd better hide somewhere else, you stay here or go as you please *nervous* good bye *walks away fast*

Sparta: but... what just happened? Raptor m-kiss me? *Nervous and blushing* s-he only did it for the video sure, only for the video...

End of chapter, sorry if it's short or late, I have school, I work and I have to take care of my little sister so I don't have much time and what I have I use for homework so excuse me for this, I swear I'll try to upload as fast as i can, in fact i do this at 5:44am for those reasons

Well here I say goodbye, bye bye Ome is leaving

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