"Heyyy, (y/n)!" Someone greeted you, it was a guy from class. He was smoking a cigarette outside with some other familiar faces. 

"Hi there! How're you guys doing?"

"I'm good, I'm good. I think there's punch inside if you want."

"Thank you, we'll take a look." Mia replied as she opened the door. The music was loud and the corridor completely full with people. "Ahh this is going to be so fun!! Alright girls, let's find some alcohol and boys!!" You followed her to the kitchen while saying hi to everyone you knew on your way. 

There were a couple of people chilling in the kitchen. Wait, was that... Robin? "Hi! I didn't think you'd come!"

"(Y/N)! Yeah, finally summer break so, what the hell, you know?" She hugged you. "How are you?"

"I'm glad you came!" You smiled warmly as you received a drink from Mia. You sniffed it before taking a sip. It didn't taste too bad. 

"I probably won't stay for long," Robin shrugged, "but summer vacation, you know?" 

You and Robin Buckley became friends this spring in band class and in some language classes. You played the guitar and piano and she played the trumpet. Both of you took Italian and French together. She was down to earth and cool to hang out with. Probably more fun than any of your other friends.

"Yeah, gotta celebrate." You agreed. "I think pretty much everyone is here."

"God, Austin's parents are going to kill him when they come home." 

"Wonder how much will be broken by tomorrow." 

"The entire house will probably be wrecked."

You chatted for a bit with Robin before following Mia and Sarah further into the house to greet more people. Some people were already very drunk, for example Anna Jacobi. She gave you a hug that nearly strangled you. You went outside to see the backyard where Austin Cawley had a swimming pool and people were happy to be able to cool off in the summer heat.

You let your gaze wander over the students until you saw another face in the crowd that you recognized. You met Harrington's eyes and looked away.  He was still cute, of course, but not a person you'd ever walk up to and try to get to know. 

"(Y/N), hey!" You flinched by the sudden voice next to you and looked over your shoulder to see Billy. "Did you bring a bathing suit?" He eyed you up and down. 

"You wish." You replied sharply.  

"Yeah, I do-"

"Billy, hiii!" Mia exclaimed.

You took your chance to leave the situation and went inside to find Robin again. She was still in the kitchen with some friends.

"Yay, no Mia!"

"Shut up." You gave her the death stare. Mia was your childhood friend and you knew Robin really, really did not like her. You could kind of understand why. Mia had changed a lot as you grew older and older. 

"How's it going with your mingling? I am so bored." 

"Well, you're not really trying to have fun, are you?" You raised an eyebrow. 

Robin shrugged. "There's nothing fun here for me, dingus. But you have a great night with your awesome friends." 

You rolled your eyes. "See you."

"Yeah... hey, this summer I'll be working at the new mall, at an ice cream shop. You can come by next week and get free ice cream?"

"Ohh, yes please." You hugged her goodbye.

"Heyyyy, did you just come here?!" It was Kyle who entered the kitchen while Robin exited. 

"A bit over an hour ago, I think."

"Damn, I haven't seen you until now, sorry." He embraced you in his arms. "We're playing beer pong outside, come with us!"

Lovely way for teenagers to get drunk, awesome. You went outside to of course see Billy and Steve on opposite teams of three people each. Mia was playing on Billy's side with another boy but it seemed like Steve's team was winning. The rivalry between the two boys had been pretty rough last term but they had both calmed down, a lot. They even seemed to be able to laugh with each other during the game. 

Soon their game did indeed end with Steve's team winning. Billy of course asked for revenge. 

"(Y/N), come here!" Mia shouted and you giggled as you hurried over to them.

"Ladies first." Billy winked at you.

You took a deep breath and aimed, lucky for your team you knew that you were pretty good at this. You looked at the opposite team members and smiled slightly at Steve who you hadn't even said hi to tonight. Then you threw the ball which sure enough landed in a cup. 

You were given a quick applause from the crowd and a pat on the shoulder from Billy while Steve drank the beer. He prepared for his turn and hit his targeted cup as well. His team cheered while you drank up. Miss. Opposite team's turn. Miss. Your team. Hit! Opposite team. Hit! The teams took turns drinking the cups. You noted that Steve wasn't really drinking more than that one beer before though. 

And so it went on. You managed to get a couple of more hits until there were 4 cups on each side left. Billy got his revenge(probably thanks to you) and cheered loudly when you hit their last cup. Billy and Steve shook hands for the fair game. 

A cool evening breeze tugged at your hair and sent a vague shiver down your spine. You hadn't noticed that the sun had gone down until now. You decided to go inside and sink back into the sofa's soft cushion while some people including Mia hopped in the pool. It was nice to hang out with the different people from school but you were too tired to really enjoy the party. Clock was sometime after 11PM when you decided that you wanted to go home. Not cause the party was lame or anything, but you were so tired. Mia had drove you and Sarah there and you all had been drinking. And they were for sure not ready to go home yet. The oxygen deficient atmosphere reeked of sweat and beer. Music was echoing in your ears. So, you got bored with the conversation in the living room and headed out the front door to get some fresh air. 

"(Y/N)", Steve was outside smoking with a couple of friends. (idc if yall are anti-smokers just pretend you're fine with it, it's the 80s)  

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