The Hellfire Club.

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el's pov :

it's been a year and a half since we left hawkins to california.

school has been the best for me, i made so many new friends and everything is fun.

joyce got a job from home and was extra easier for her to manage around.

jonathan started joining a wood making workshop programme and met a new friend, argyle. he is jonathans only friend and he is pretty weird.

and as for will? he started a new hobby. painting. but as for now, he is currently working on a painting that he doesn't wanna show anyone just yet, he is really secretive about it, maybe it's for a girl or something? im not sure

anyway, it's been so long, i cant wait for spring break to start, mostly because I get to see you.

love, el.

mike's pov :

i was grinning from ear to ear when I was reading el's message, i honestly missed her so much. she is so important to me. I cant wait to see her.


I turned around groaning, recognising that yell.

Nancy was standing at the door with the car keys and arms crossed, looking furious.

"what nance"

"WHAT NANCE? MIKE WE HAVE TO GO NOW. you have to be in school by 8, do not piss me off AND THATS FINAL"

she stormed angrily down the stairs, hearing her complaining to mom.

i realised, jumping out of bed and grabbing my hellfire club shirt and jeans from the wardrobe.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT" I ran down, sweating.


"come on sweetheart, just for today and tomorrow you get to see your girlfriend" Karen giggled, giving mike a pat on the head.

"YEAH YEAH OKAY I KNOW" I managed to grab a waffle before grabbing my shoes.


"FUCK NANCY CANT YOU SEE WHAT IM DOING, ILL BE OUT IN A JIFF I PROMISE" I said, panting and tieing my shoelaces as fast possible.

time skip/

"what the hell took you so long dude, hellfire is boutta start and Lucas bailed on us for his basketball dicks again"

Dustin, Lucas and I are in this D and D club called The Hellfire Club. basically we got bullied for it as people thought we were worshipping satan or it's a stupid kids game. but we didn't care, the main leader of the club is Eddie Munson. A 20 year old insane freak who also loves us and treats us like his family. he is pretty dope not gonna lie. Anyway, Lucas has stopped coming for meetings because of his basketball joining commitment, plus he made more friends there with the obvious popular jocks and is drifting from us, Eddie knows about this but he just doesnt give a plain fuck, we dont either but it still hurts. he was our best friend. Since middle school, it has always been the four of us. Dustin, Lucas, Will and I but after Will moving to california and NOW Lucas's drift, this whole group is falling
apart, but who am I to open up to? I dont wanna seem


"uh mike you good there?" Dustin snapped his fingers at me, worried.

I was obviously spacing out and just nodded, giving him a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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