Chapter 3 - Spur-of-the-Moment Interview

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"They may, but I can have a word with the interviewer."


The car went on, and I stared out of the tinted windows at the buildings and palm trees going by. Yes, I would meet her again if I was meant to. I should stop trying to find her.

Or should I?

~ ~ ~

"We're very sorry, Colonel Parker, but we had to move the interview to four o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

The Colonel let out a huge sigh in frustration as we stood with the middle-aged and salt-and-pepper-haired manager of the studio, Mr. Howard, and we were in the lobby area. "Tomorrow afternoon? Why?"

"There was a scheduling conflict with you and another man we had come in for an interview with us. He's in with the interviewer right now."

Another man? Who was this other man? Another star like me? I asked before my manager could respond to what the tall and thin manager said, "Excuse me, but who's bein' interviewed right now?"

His brown eyes flicked to me. "The CEO of CBS News. He's in town today, so we wanted to snatch him and ask about one of the most popular news channels in the country."

Fascinated by this, I smirked. "Is that right? I would love to have a word with 'im."

"And why would you want to speak with the CEO of CBS News?" the Colonel asked condescendingly.

"Because, as Mr. Howard said here, CBS is one of the most popular news channels in the country. I've met several of his employees in several cities all over the country as they asked me questions. They were all good people. I want to tell 'im that."

"Write him a letter. Since we have some extra time at the moment, we should head to the recording studio so you can rehearse your songs." He gave a pointed look to Mr. Howard. "And we'll have to move the signing that was at four tomorrow to a different time since we will have to be here."

"There's no trouble with that, right?" I asked, trying to help Mr. Howard not feel like he was the one to blame. "It was just a mix-up."

"Thank you for understanding, Mr. Presley," said Mr. Howard. I shrugged a shoulder.

"Hey, it happens."

"And I think Mr. Edwards would love to speak with you. You'll just have to deal with having another little article in the paper tomorrow, though."

I looked at my manager and asked him, "Would it be alright? The interview just started, so he'll be done in, what, thirty minutes?"

"That's right," said Mr. Howard. "Or twenty."

Again, the Colonel sighed, but in defeat. "Fine, fine. But after that man is done, you can talk to him for just ten minutes, got it?"

"Got it," I said, grinning, then heard a few gasps off to my right. A few people were there, gawking at me. I knew what I had to do.

Mr. Edwards came out after about twenty-five minutes, and as I was still talking with the employees who worked in this building and signing autographs for them. The older heavier-set CBS CEO saw me and boomed, "Mr. Elvis Presley!"

My fans stood back as Mr. Edwards approached me, hand extended. I noticed a cameraman behind him who wheeled a film camera on a stand. I took the CEO's strong hand. "It's a pleasure, Mr. Edwards."

"The pleasure is all mine."

"When I heard that you were here, I wanted to jump on the opportunity to say what great people you have workin' under you in your various locations around the country. I've met several of 'em as they interviewed me."

I Gotta Find You [Elvis]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin