'Falling off cliffs'

Start from the beginning

"Just shut up." Troy gritted out moving towards her.

"Shit! Run guys," Dustin screamed out as he dropped his bike and grabbed Mike's jacket dragging him along.

"You're so dead," the boy yelled after them.

Rah dropped her bike to the ground, the handlebar breaking off as it hit the floor. It was old anyways. The girl then ran off after Dustin and Mike.


The three kids made it to the quarry before Dustin informed them that he had a stitch.

Rah was now in front, having caught up quickly, she was a cross-country runner after all.

"Just keep going," Mike yelled out to Dustin. Troy had come up behind them while James went around, meeting up with them in front of the cliff.

"Stay back, don't come any closer" Mike told them as he picked up a rock, while Dustin picked up a stick.

Mike threw the rock towards James but missed completely. "Nice throw, numbnuts."

"Don't move, Dustin" Rah told the boy, but of course he didn't listen. He ran towards Troy with his stick hoping to hit him with it, but instead ended up getting grabbed by the other boy.

"Get off me!" Dustin gasped out as Troy held a knife up to his neck. "Let him go!" Mike yelled.

Rah was about to help, but was grabbed by the waist and lifted off of the ground.

"Put me down you bastard," the girl screamed. 

"Stay back, or I'll cut him." Troy told Mike. "What do you want?" he asked.

"I want to know how you did it." The boy demanded "How I did what?"

"I know you did something to me. Some nerdy science shit to make me do that" Mike looked over at Rah and then back to Troy, "you mean, piss your pants?"

Rah couldn't help but laugh at Mike's question, making James tighten his grip on her, his hands creeping lower.

"Let go of me you pervert." The girl told him.

"Our friend has superpowers, and she squeezed your tiny bladder with her mind." Dustin explained. "Shut up!"

"I think I should save toothless here, a trip to the dentist. Help him lose the rest of his baby teeth." Troy threatened.

"Let him go," Mike repeated. "Sure, I'll let him go, but first. It's your turn." Troy told him. "My turn for what?"

"Wet yourself."

Rah's mouth unintentionally fell open, "what?"

Troy faced her, "he has to jump. Or else toothless here gets an early trip to the dentist."

"Stop, no" Dustin pleaded. "I'll cut him right now." Troy insisted.

"Alright, just hold on. Hold on!" Mike declared. "Mike, don't do it. I don't need my baby teeth, Mike!" Dustin called as Mike walked towards the edge of the cliff.

"Mike, if you jump, I will follow you down, and I will kill you," Rah threatened. "Mike, seriously. Don't."

The boy in question walked out towards the brink, hovering his foot above the water.

Just as he was about to jump, Rah turned in James' grip and elbowed him in the chest, causing him to fall over. She ran towards Mike, pushing him back to Dustin and falling forwards.

As she lifted herself up off the floor, the girl lost her footing and slipped over the edge. The boys gasped as her body disappeared from their view.

"Rah!" Mike cried out as everybody ran over. As they looked over the edge, what they didn't expect to see was the girl afloat, mid air.

"Holy shit," Dustin breathed out.

The boys watched as Rah's body slowly began to move upwards and was hauled over their heads. When at a safe distance from the ground, the girl was dropped to the floor.

Rah stunned, she looked up from the dirt and to the left, watching as Eleven, in all her glory walked up to them, blood dripping from her nose and no wig.

Suddenly, James was thrown onto the floor and with a tilt of her head, El had broken Troy's arm.

The boy screamed out in pain, "she broke my arm, my arm!"

"Go," the girl in the pink dress spoke deeply.

"Let's get out of here, let's go."

"Yeah that right, you better run. She's our friend and she's crazy! You come back here and she'll kill you." Dustin said to the boys as they ran off. "You hear me? She'll kill you, you son of a bitches."

Next to Rah, Eleven fell to the ground. "El, are you okay?" the older girl asked as she put her hand on El's upper arm. "El?"

"I'm.. sorry" the girl uttered. "Sorry, what are you sorry for?" Mike asked her. "The gate, I opened it. I'm the monster." Rah grabbed her hands and helped Eleven sit up. "No. no, El. you're not the monster, you saved me." Rah beamed at her.

"Do you understand? You saved her El" Mike commented, grabbing her and wrapping his arms around her, Dustin joining shortly after. Rah grinned over at them before Dustin grasped her arm and pulled her into the hug.


The four kids walked back to the Wheelers, the man watching them from a van going unnoticed by each of them.

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