Chapter 2: Henwyy

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{ TRIGGERS: Gore,Fighting }

Henwyy woke up in a crater. He wasn't sure where, or even when, but he was in a crater.

He remembered what had happened a moment prior. He remembered spawning the dragon in. He remembered the moment of panic he had once his control wand broke. He remembered Biffle and Sigils running towards the machine. He remembered the moment of realization they all had when Biffle didn't make it. He remembered the others holding Sigils back as they tried to attack him. 

Henwyy tried getting up, but was stopped by a throbbing pain in his right arm. He looked down to see a large gash from his elbow to his wrist. He felt something on his face too.

"Well look who has woken up." Henwyy heard an angry voice say, one of which he immediately recognized. "And here I hoped you had fallen into an eternal slumber."

"Could have said the same thing to you Sigils," he had said, looking up at the enderman.

It was clear that Sigils was furious at him, and it probably wasn't even because of the dragon. They were mad at Henwyy for a different reason: Biffle. Before they could start majorly arguing, a voice came in to keep the two away from each other.

"Not right now you two," said Gold, being the voice of reason in the chaos. "You guys can fight after we figure out what the hell is going on."

Sigils rolled their eyes, but they didn't argue. They agreed that they had better things to do right now. Henwyy smirked at the thought of it. Sigils saw that too, and gave him a glare before turning away.

AN: Sigils using fighting with henwyy benwyy as a coping mechanism? Nahhhh ahaha

Henwyy managed to get up without using his injured arm. Painfully, he limped over to the edge of the crater with everyone else. He got some glares from Alxton, Gold, and, of course, Sigils, but know one else paid to much attention. They were to injured or tired to care.

"I'll teleport up there to see what is going on," said Sigils, taking the lead. "It's the easiest way."

"And why should we listen to you." Henwyy muttered under his breath. Of course, everyone else heard it, but he didn't really care.

"Oh and would you rather it be you who goes and checks?" backed Sigils. "In case you haven't noticed, Henwyy, no one trusts you here, so who says you won't just book it as soon as you get up there." The way they had said 'Henwyy' made him flinch. "Second of all, you need to climb to get out of this hole, and no one here is capable of climbing right now."

For the first time, Henwyy looked around at his former friends. Karan was leaning on gold for support, his right leg and his tail looking injured. Gold, on the other hand, was clutching his left arm. Jerome looked like he couldn't even stand, both of his sheep-like legs seemingly broken. Nico seemed the least injured of everyone but still seemed to be in pain. Alxton was clutching his ribcage, so he probably broke a few of his ribs, which Henwyy was pretty sure he had done as well. Ambrew also seemed fine, considering he was one of the first in the lab. 

Sigils was in the worst shape. Considering they were the last of everyone to get into the lab, it left Henwyy less than suprised. It must have started to rain as they was running and waiting for Biffle because there was a giant burn on their arm and his face, turning their normally pale skin with black enderman-like splotches to a dull purple. The dragon must have slashed them too, because they weren't opening their left eye, and the small wing on the left side of their head was torn up.

"I did this? I caused this to happen?" Henwyy thought to himself. He didn't realize that the dragon had caused this much damage.

"Okay, now that this is settled," Sigils said, taking his silence as submission. "I'm going up there." In a flash of purple, they were up above the crater.

"No..." Sigils said after gasping in suprise. "No way!"

"What do you see?!" Said Karan, anxious about what he gasped about.

Sigils had to pause before spattering out an answer.

"We are back in Season 1."


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