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Diagon Alley II.



As we came close to Olivander's, my father abruptly stopped, staring inside the shop with a look filled with disgust plastered on his face. I didn't understand the sudden change of expression, until i looked inside the shop as well and saw heir Potter and his father, heir Malfoy and his father_i guess, since they look so much alike_, and heir prince with a red haired woman. Yeah, this was definitely not going to end well if my father decides to go in. And knowing him...

''Nothing, lets just go get our girl her wand''. He smiled down at Ariana. 'Our girl'? I couldn't help but snort. Then what am i? Their next door neighbours' child?.

When we walked inside, the place suddenly became as quite as a graveyard. It was only when Olivander came out of no where did the tension reduce a bit.

But then again, Gryffindors will always be gryffindors. ''We need a wand for my angel here Olivander, and please do hurry, i do not want to spend any more time near this..death eaters''.

He just had to offend them, didn't he?.

''Death eaters, brother? And here i thought you had matured a bit''. Lord Potter chuckled. ''But i see your inability to mature mentally gets more and more potent as time passes by''.

My father turned red in anger and looked like he was going to start a fight, but Olivander was quick to intervene. ''There are children here gentlemen, A pointless fight wouldn't do, now would it?''.

Lord Potter had the decency to look guilty. ''Of course, my apologies''.

I looked up at Lord Potter, and noticed his long infamous Potter raven hair, his sea blue eyes like my father's, and how he stood proudly and elegently, like a true lord and pureblood. I also noticed lord Malfoy, his long white hair, pale skin, and extremely handsome face. He was holding a cane, and stood as proud as lord Potter. And finally my eyes travelled to the red haired woman. She stood with so much grace, her skin tanned and her eyes an emerald green. She must be Harrison's mother. Her eyes met mine for a brief moment, and it held a bit of confussion, before diving back to the situation at hand.

My father just turned back to Olivander with an impatient look. ''Well?''.

''Well Mr. Potter''. Olivander answered, smiling. ''You'll have to wait for your turn. Heir Potter, please show me your wand hand''.

My father stayed angry as the heirs got sorted out. It was finally Harrison's turn to get a wand when the door bell rang and two men with long wavvy black hair stepped in. They both had dark eyes but one of them was adnormally pale while the other was just a bit tanned.

''What is taking you all so lo_''. One of the men that spoke cut himself off when he noticed my father, who was sneering at him.

''Well well well, if it isn't snivellus''. My father mocked, and almost everyone in the room rolled their eyes. So this was Severus Prince, or rather Lord Prince, Harrison's father. This_this was the man my father calls 'ugly'?. Yes, he does have a pointed nose, but that is normal for a person to have. His skin was far paler than Malfoy's, and his eyes as dark as Black's, but he wasn't as near as ugle. No, Lord Prince looked absolutely young and handsome.

The other man behind him snorted at what my father had said and looked at him as though he was looking at an absolute idiot. His lips twisted a bit in amusement. ''Your childishness has no bound, does it, James?''.

My father opened his mouth to retort, but my mother quickly cut him off, speaking for the first time. ''Mind your own business Black, he wasn't referring to you''. She said with a disgusted look on her face.

Lord Black just stared at her as though she was nothing but dirt under his feet before completely ignoring her, which made my mother angrier. ''Lets just finish up, shall we?''. He nodded towards Olivander with a smirk on his handsome face. I couldn't help but mentally applaud him. What was the best insult if not to completely ignor a person?.

Olivander nodded and gestured for Harrison to try the wand he had given him. He gave it a wave and sparks of green light came out of it, making everyone smile. Well, except mother, father and my sister of course.

The Lords and Lady quietly made their way out once they were done, and just for a moment my eyes met lady Prince's again before she left, no one else seemed to have noticed me.

''Mr. Potter''. Olivander gestured towards my father, indicating it was now our turn.

''Finally''. My father rolled his eyes and moved Ariana to the front, who had a smug look on her face.

It took three wands but my sister eventually found her wand.

''Twelve inches, Redwood and unicorn core, not very powerful but good in Transfiguration and very obedient''.

Ariana's face fell for a moment but lit up a bit when our father told her it may not be very powerful but it was still powerful.

It was my turn now so i stepped forward and took the wand Olivander had brought while Ariana was being a pompous brat. It reacted badly and caused a few things to fly around the shop. My father, too focused on smiling at my twin proudly, received the harsh end of the not-so-compatible-wand's disaster. I slowly returned it back, and tried not to turn and see the damage i had caused. ''I guess that's not the one''. I said sheepishly.

''You think!''. My father shouted, making me flinch. I turn to see him holding his bleeding head. Ouch!. Mother was quickly by his side.

''Come on, we need to take you to a hospital. Ariana, sweety, come along''. She said guiding my father out while glaring at me.

I raised a perfect eye-brow. I can't believe my mother was going to take my father to the hospital because of a small cut. Oh thats right, my mother was a muggleborn, she probably forgot magic existed.

Oh well. I shrugged nonchalantly and turned back to Olivander, who had brought me another wand. ''Here, try this''. He said smiling at me. I took the wand and it reacted badly again. This time Olivander was quick to snatch it away before it caused anymore destruction. ''Hmm, curious, very curious''. He left behind the shelves and went out of sight, muttering to himself.

Later he came back with a black wand, and once i placed my hand on it i immediately knew it was mine. A gentle breeze blew over my face, and i couldn't help but close my eyes and caress the magic pulsing through my veins.

''Curious. Very curious''. Olivander muttered again, gaining my attention.

''What is Curious, sir?''. I asked.

Olivander replied. ''Your wand has not only one, but two cores. A dragon heartstring and a phoenix feather, two very powerful cores and a powerful ebony wood to complete it. But what is curious is that the feather core in your wand only gave another feather. Just one. It is curious that you are destined to have that wand, when its half brother gave you that scar''. He pointed at the lightening scar on my head.

I Touched it, remembering a bit of that night. But how on earth did Olivander know he gave it to me?, Strange.

''How much for the wand sir?''. I asked, wanting to get away from this awkward situation.

''Ten gallons dear''.

I nodded and handed him the money. Once i stepped out of the shop, i let out a breath of relieve before quickly leaving to buy the rest of my supplies.

I am Aurora, Sister Of The 'Girl Who Lived'.Where stories live. Discover now