Philip turned back to Gabe. "Son, do you think you can take me to the shack?" he said.

     Gabe nodded. "He has a gun, sir," he said.

     Philip quickly ran to his chambers. He pulled out a gun out of his dresser. He and Gabe went to the stables. After his horse was saddled, Philip followed Gabe to the shack. He prayed that Jeremy didn't decide to move her.

     In what seemed like forever to Philip, they reached the shack. He saw Jane's and Jeremy's horses still tied to a tree. Gabe and Philip climbed off their horses. Gabe showed him the open window. Philip peered inside. Jeremy was sitting on a chair. Jane was laying on her back on the bed, her hands and ankles tied to the bedposts. Philip turned to Gabe.

     "Watch our horses," he said. "As soon as I got her untied, we will leave."

     "Yes, sir," Gabe said.

     Philip quietly snuck around to the door. It was slightly ajar. He slowly opened it. He took his pistol out of his pocket. Jeremy's was laying on a table a couple of feet away.

     Jeremy looked at his pocket watch. "We have been here an hour and your beloved husband hasn't come for you," he said. "He is probably in the arms of Alyssia and wrote you off as a bad job."

     "You are mistaken, Shelton," Philip said. "I am here to rescue my wife."

     Jeremy stood up and looked at Philip in shock. "How did you-" he said.

     "You were followed and overheard about your plot," Philip said. "They came for me straight away. Now I want you to pick up your gun and hand it to me."

     Jeremy walked over the table and picked up his pistol. He took one step toward Philip. His hand swung upward. A shot ran out. Jane screamed.

     Philip and Jeremy stood still. Then Jeremy looked down. A blood stain was rapidly spreading on his right thigh. His legs crumpled under him and he fell to the floor. Philip picked up Jeremy's gun and pocketed both. He walked over to the bed, pulling out a knife. He cut the rope.

     Jane climbed off the bed and stood up. A second later her legs lost strength and she started to fall. Her legs were weak due to laying still on the bed for an hour. Philip quickly put his arms under her knees. He picked her up.

     "Are you hurt?" he asked.

     She shook her head. "I am just a little weak," she said.

     He carried her outside. Gabe stood waiting for them, holding the reins of their horses. Philip helped Jane onto his horse. He tied her horse to his. Then he climbed onto his horse behind her. He put his arms around her as they rode back to the house.

     When they got there, Samson had called for the constable. Gabe took the horses to the stable while Philip carried Jane inside.

     "Ah, sir," Samson said when he saw them. "I see that you rescued our fair lady."

     "Yes, Samson," Philip said. "Please send some tea to the parlor for Jane."

     "Yes, sir," Samson said. "I took the liberty of sending for the constable. He is in your study."

     "Send him to the parlor," Philip said. He didn't want Jane out of his sight.

     Samson nodded. He walked away. Philip went to the parlor. He sat in a chair with Jane in his lap. She pulled away slightly and looked at him.

     "I think I  can sit in a chair by myself," she said, smiling.

     "True," he said. "But I like having you on my lap."

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