Chapter 1 | Transported

Start from the beginning

When you heard such, you had a small glimpse of hope that you'd finally be able to have somebody aid you. All you needed to do was wait until somebody opened the door... provided they aren't too annoyed at you to help.

Anxiously, you waited to see somebody in front of you so that you could have a chance at making sense of the entire situation. However, once that time came, your brain was bombarded with more questions than answers when the entrance to the house swung open, leaving you to see... a green frog on two legs? If that wasn't weird enough, it was also wearing clothes. It was in a stained white shirt and a pair of briefs while it was rubbing its eyes before stepping out of his door.

It then looked up at you while your eyes were long locked on it out of slight surprise and confusion as you were left wondering to yourself yet again what kind of backwoods universe you ended up in. Once it caught sight of you... however.

"Um, hello there... mister." You said, looking past the strangeness of all this. "I'm sorry to wake you up so late at night but-"

Unfortunately, all you got was a bloodcurdling scream paired with a finger pointed at you before nearly tripping trying to turn around and then retreating back to his house and slamming the door in your face.

"...O-kay?" You said to yourself.

You saw the upstairs light being turned on and heard the cranky voice of a jaded woman muffled from within the house.

"Jared! What the heck is with the screaming?" She shouted. "It's three AM in the morning and some people are trying to sleep!"

"Honey... listen to me." You heard the same voice at the door say. "You're probably not going to believe me right now, but I think we might be in danger."


"Yeah, danger! Remember that knocking you sent me to go answer? When I opened the door, I saw something I haven't seen in my entire lifetime. I don't know what it was but it looked so weird and repulsive that I don't know what to think about it."

"Hey!" You exclaimed at him, offended.

"Oh croaks! It heard us! HIDE!"

The lights were shut off, leaving you noticeably hurt, confused, and alone in the night once again. Though, at least you were able to learn something out of that exchange. Such as, that anthropomorphic frogs live in this... uh... wherever you are right now. However, you were only given just enough time to make a mental note of that before you just faintly heard an old woman's voice from your right side.

"Oh, well that's... odd."

An elderly frog holding a candle on a plate was seen just outside of her door, the glow of her candle making her morbidly curious expression more apparent as she stared at you. Instantly, as soon as she saw that you know she was eying you, she turned away and ran back into her house. Not giving up entirely on watching you though, as you could still see her eyes peek out from her front door's small window.

All you could do was rub the back of your neck awkwardly. You didn't mean them any harm, all you wanted was some help. Unfortunately, the hate didn't stop there.

"Holy heaping dung piles on lily pads!" You heard another voice exclaim. "What the heck is that thing?"

You hesitatingly raised your hand and waved it as a form of greeting with an awkward smile, only to see it give you no reaction in return. Just staring at you with bewildered eyes, which slowly were replaced by disgust and fear. You wanted to try and approach it, do away with all of its fears and convince it that it wasn't something to be afraid of. It was to no avail, however, because it still looked like it was just as wary of you as ever. Raising your hands up in the air, you tried to approach it, only to have a pitchfork, which happened to be next to the frog's front door, pointed at you.

Amphibia Fanfiction: Dimension Strangers Together | Anne Boonchuy X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now