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C H A P T E R  I

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C H A P T E R  I . 
ᵃ ˡᵒᵛᵉˡᵉˢˢ ᵐᵃʳʳⁱᵃᵍᵉ



Sluggishly, you watched the flames dance merrily upon hot coals, igniting the dark room with vibrant ribbons of light. Within the surreal vision of blurred colors and shapes, the ball of inferno crackling behind the metal grills solidified your reality, the blistering sparks it spat seemingly laughing at your disoriented state.

You reached up to rub your eyes, movements mechanical and weighed down by the lingering presence of fatigue. What time was it? You must've fallen asleep sewing, you thought, looking down absentmindedly to confirm your speculation. You were correct -- a thick overcoat lay sprawled over your lap, a spindly needle still poked through a hole in the left sleeve.

A raspy sigh melded with a yawn in your throat. You were in no mood to continue on with your work. It was late, indicated by the dark purple sky, and the mind-numbing motions of threading string through fabric was something you weren't willing to subject yourself to. Instead, you draped the jacket over the top of your armchair and shuffled to the kitchen. 

The pleasant hum of a kettle whirring soon filled your ears, accompanied by the subtle click of ceramic mugs. The jaunty tune of a popular song frolicked upon your idle lips as you poured hot water over the tea bags lounging in the cups, eyeing the amber color that quickly started to diffuse from them.

Your gaze flickered to the clock hung on a nearby wall. He should be back now, shouldn't he? He had gotten off work ages ago, and it never took a particularly long time to travel back to the house...

You trailed off, and within that small sliver of opportunity, an ugly, vile thought wormed its way into your head.

No. Not again. He had promised that he would stop. He'd whispered those words so sweetly, so tenderly as he wrapped his large hands around your own, as if he was trying to shield them from the biting cold outside. Was every syllable that dripped from his mouth overflowing with false assurances? Were the oaths he took simply sweet nothings, lies entrenched in cloying honey to conceal the bitter core?

Vertigo swirled in your stomach as you swallowed, desperately trying to choke back the rampage of emotions that swarmed your mind. It was a marriage of convenience. It was a marriage meant to deter the whispers and accusations of being traitors, spies from the West meant to wreak havoc upon the East. You knew that very well, but that still couldn't stop the aching feeling of betrayal that gripped your heart and crushed it in it's grasp. 

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