venturing out

Começar do início

"Okay, let's go!" I try to match her enthusiasm, not letting my nervousness ruin the day.

America practically drags me out of the alley, and we are met with a small, but busy village with a large market, selling all kinds of things from jewellery, to fruit.

"Mama, look!" America points excitedly to a donut stand.

I chuckle. Of course she found the donut stand.

"Let's go buy one then." I make sure to grip America's hand tightly as we weave through the crowds. I didn't want to loose her.

I try to keep my head down as much as possible, in fear that someone may recognise me.

We order our donuts, and America immediately digs into hers, getting white sugar all over her mouth and face.

I eat mine slightly more delicately, but even I manage to get a little messy.

"How on earth did you manage to get it in your hair?!" I ask incredulously, looking at all the sugar in America's once clean hair.

"I don't know." America shrugs, licking the sugar of her fingers, while I try to save her hair with a napkin.

"You, Ree. Are the messiest eater in the whole of the multiverse!" I tease, as she tries to move her face away from me. "My boys were less messy than you when they were babies!"

"I can't help itttt!" She protests, sneezing as some sugar accidentally goes up her nose.

"Bless you." I chuckle, handing her another clean napkin to finish cleaning herself up.

"Can we go look at the stalls now, Mama?" America asks, back to her excited self.

I eye the busy crowds of people nervously, but force a smile onto my face for America. "Of course, princessa. But remember, don't leave my sight."

The short brunette nods, only half listening to what I said, as she runs to a nearby stall that looked to be selling crystals.

Comfortable that I could see her, I let my powers go through the crowd sightlessly, just to check if anyone had noticed me, but no one had.

Why would they? To them I'm just another American tourist come to enjoy the view with my daughter.

I can't help but flinch as I feel someone brush past me, before I quickly recompose myself and look back to where America was standing a few seconds ago. But she wasn't there.

Panic immediately seares through my body. What if someone had taken her? What if she's injured and she can't call for me to get her?

A million possibilities race through my mind, as I storm over to the stall that America was looking at, trying very hard to keep my powers from scoping the whole area to find her.

"Where is my daughter?" I ask the stall owner sharply, scanning the nearby crowd for any sign of America. "She was standing here a few seconds ago. Where. Is. She?"

The stall owner looks confused as she stutters over an answer. "I-I don't know, she must have wondered off."

My eyes flash red for a second, and I see the stall owners eyes widen slightly, but at this moment I don't care. My daughter is missing.

"America?!" I call into the busy crowd, frantically scanning the surrounding area. "America?!'

"What's wrong, Mama?" America's voice comes from behind me, sounding confused.

I don't reply, instead firmly grab America by her shoulders. "Where did you go?" I ask, sharply. Trying to clam my breathing down.

America looks even more confused at my sharp tone. "I was just behind that rail of clothes." She tells me, pointing to the rail next to the stall that she was by.

the fallen starOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora