2) floating. a funny word, if you think about it

Start from the beginning

"hmm.." taylor scanned the people at the table, eyes squinted for dramatic effect. when she landed her eyes on logan he silently prayed (to who? no one knows) that she wouldn't choose him.

"logan!" damn it. "truth or dare?" she had a sickly sweet smile plastered on her face that anyone could tell had mischievous intentions. logan started to sweat nervously. "um.."

if logan said truth taylor would probably ask something like 'who's your crush?' which isn't the most ideal scenario, knowing how close tyler and taylor are. so he switched over to the dare option. he doesn't think that she could've noticed his unrequited love for tyler so easily, could she? so there was a chance she would just say a dare that would have no real repercussions.

he sighed. "dare."
"ooh dangerous choice there bud." aiden snickered, getting jabbed in the arm by ashlyn.
taylor's stare turned evil, and logan was started to regret his choice.
"hm, i dare you.." she grinned ear to ear. "to find tyler, pin him against a wall-" logan made incomprehensible noises. "and y'know, confess to him."

logan's face went into a darker shade of red at her unbelievable request- well, it sounded more if a demand. but nonetheless he couldn't do it. he wouldn't.

"n-nO! no way! i'm not going to do that!" he stammered, at a loss for words. logan started to fidget with his fingers again, embarrassment and dread starting to creep on him. "that's so out of character f-for me, and- i would make him uncomfortable-!"

"uh uh uh, i know my twin, we have this lil' telepathy thing basically," taylor tapped her head for emphasis. "trust me, he would be more than comfortable." she winked, which only made logan more nervous than calm.

"wh-what if-"
"ah ah ah, don't. c'mon, it's harmless! i'll come with you and then hide so he doesn't suspect anything" she assured, already getting up and grabbing his sweater. after a few seconds of hesitation, got up as well, just barely walking with taylor dragging him by his sleeve.
the only sound that filled logan's ears at that point was the faint sound of his sneakers scuffing against the floor, muffled conversations that overlapped, and the sound of soft pattering on the windows.

rain. it was rain.




as they disappeared, ben, aiden, and ashlyn were left alone at the table. aiden played with his soggy fries, ashlyn scrolled through her phone, and ben had his earbuds in as he stared out the window and watched some of the tree leaves fall. 

aiden finally broke the silence.
"you wanna follow 'em?"

ashlyn turned to stare at him, before shrugging her shoulders. "if i'm forced to get up, sure."

aiden tapped ben's shoulder, which made him take out his earbud, having an expectant confused look ok his face

"we're gonna go follow taylor and logan, you comin'?"

ben nodded, already picking up his tray.


. (im rlly struggling rn with words LOL)


logan's stomach started to flip as they neared the restroom, and he abruptly stopped in his tracks before they could turn the corner where the restroom doors were. nerves wracking and the uneasiness starting to settle in.
taylor looked at him with an expectant face.
"i- i can't do this." he stuttered, hands trembling. "how do you even know he's.. you know," he made a hand flip motion.
taylor rolled her eyes and smiled. "psh, trust me, he's plenty fruity. i'm telling you it's going to work out."
they heard a door open, and taylor immediately started whispering talking. "he's coming! you got this! it'll be a piece of cake, i promise."

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