Start from the beginning

"She wants what's best for you," she tried.

"Why didn't she tell me then?" F/n asked, "Why would she keep it away from me? It's my quirk. It's not hers, it's mine."

"I know it is, darling," she said, "But you have to at least be grateful to have this quirk. If it weren't for her-"

"I wouldn't have had this quirk. I wouldn't have been alive. I know," she interjected, stopping in her tracks to glance back at her beloved mother.

F/n looked into her mother's eyes, the same set of e/c-coloured orbs as hers. It sent shivers down her spine like it would be the last time for her to see them without the mirror just like how her mother would.

It was quiet between them, no one spoke a word after that and F/n could already tell that she would never forget the disappointed look her mother had on her face.

The girl just cleared her throat, eyes cast on the ground as she walked towards the door and out where her newly found friend stood, waiting for her.

Melissa smiled and F/n mimicked her actions. The girl was wearing a purple dress, a darker shade on the top and a lighter shade for the skirt. The dress was accompanied by a belt and a flower attached to the left side.

"You look beautiful," Melissa complimented, resulting in the other girl's cheeks flaring up.

"Thank you, you too," she managed to not stutter.

Melissa smiled and led the girl out of the apartment she and her family had been staying in.

The ride to the place was not at all long as the blonde-haired girl kept the conversation going while the others just responded with short responses.

"Oh, are you guys still here? The party's starting!" Melissa said as she jogged in the place.

"The headliner makes her appearance!" Mineta commented, a fountain of tears rushing out of each of his eyes.

"Gosh, Mineta. I can't take this anymore. What should I do?" Kaminari exaggeratingly knelt down.

"Do whatever you want," Jiro muttered with a small grin.

Melissa's smile dropped as she felt the missing presence beside her.

"F/n?" she turned around and smiled when she immediately spotted the girl who was still in the entry, hidden in the darkness of the dark sky, "Come on! Don't be shy. They're your friends, aren't they?"

F/n blinked, heart racing quickly as she looked down at her outfit. It was not at all what she would wear on a daily basis. And she was still getting used to the tall heels she was wearing. It all felt so foreign to her.

Melissa held onto a soft grin as she approached the girl and took her hand.

"Come," she urged, gently pulling her arm and leading her inside.


Thud! Thud!

Kaminari and Mineta both fell laying on the ground in their own pool of blood. Whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, F/n had no clue whatsoever. All she knew was that they were not shot, they were bleeding from their noses.

Uraraka, Jiro and Yaoyorozu looked at her as if they had never seen anything like her before. It felt strange. It felt like that time when they were suspecting what her quirk was. It felt like she was under a microscope, inspecting every detail.

"You look amazing," Yaoyorozu squealed, grabbing her hands and twirling her around.

Uraraka nodded her head rapidly, "You are! Don't you think so, Deku?"

"Huh? U-Uh! Yes!" Midoriya stuttered, face redder than Kirishima's hair.

"What about you, Todoroki? What do you think?" Jiro asked in a knowing tone.

The boy lifted his gaze from the purple-haired female and back onto F/n. He blinked once, the temperature surrounding him turning warmer and warmer every second that passed.


Jiro raised her eyebrows in surprise, not expecting the boy to actually openly admit it, especially not in front of everyone. She, Uraraka and Yaoyorozu exchanged knowing glances.

They had all seen how their friend was gazed at by some of their classmates and thought that they had grown a liking to her. And based on his short, blunt response, they knew that they were right after all.

Melissa giggled behind her hand before speaking up, "Right, what about your two other friends?"

F/n scanned the room and saw that two of her classmates were missing, two of which would be Bakugou and Kirishima. Iida, who had been on the phone since earlier, spoke up.

"It's no good. Neither Bakugou nor Kirishima is picking up," Iida informed.

"What should we do?" Uraraka asked.

"Have you told them where to go previously?" Yaoyorozu asked to which the boy nodded.

F/n and Jiro shared confused glances and before anyone could take further action on the matter, an announcement was heard.

"This is an announcement by the I-Island security system. We have received a report from the security system that an explosive device has been planted... I-Island will now switch to high alert mode. Anyone remaining outside ten minutes from now may be arrested without warning. In addition, the main buildings will be sealed off by the security system. I repeat. The security system..."


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