Start from the beginning

"Then... I guess I'll partner up with Bakugou," Kirishima let out a chuckle, though it sounded like he was nervous.

"I'll beat you up, weird hair," the ash-blonde declared bluntly, causing the redhead to sweatdrop at his response.

"And I'll beat you, F/n," Ashido claimed, almost too cheerfully.

Sero and Kaminari said nothing, instead, they turned to each other, each sending a challenging look to the other.

The first match was up, the girls went first as one of the two had volunteered for both. F/n stood opposite of Ashido, eyebrows slightly furrowed in concentration and knees bent slightly, ready for her opponent's attack.

"Ready?" Kirishima raised a hand, pointing it up at the sky.

A gust of wind blew by and the hair of the two females flew East, to the left of F/n. She narrowed her eyes at the girl, getting ready to activate her quirk. Ashido did the same but instead smirked victoriously.


The pink alien immediately used her quirk to slide towards the other, speeding up just because of that. Upon not having a quirk to attack, F/n stood on her ground, ready to strike the girl.

Upon arriving approximately ten metres away from each other, Ashido shot acid at her friend whilst letting out a slight noise. She then shot another as F/n continued to dodge them.

At around six metres, F/n nudged her head upwards at a quick speed and launched her opponent to the air, hands and legs fumbling all over the place in fear.

She caught her just before she could reach the ground and landed her safely, using her quirk to push her onto the grass and restricting her from moving and standing up.

Kaminari ran to the so-called arena and tapped the ground thrice as if it was a boxing match, declaring F/n as the winner afterwards.

"Oh, my god!" Kirishima breathed out, mouth falling wide open before his lips cracked into a huge grin, "That was so manly!"

"I got to say, L/n. I didn't see it in you," Sero joked, laughing shortly afterwards, "But seriously, congratulations."

"That. Was. So. Cool!" Ashido exclaimed, running towards the girl with open arms, wrapping her with them when she was close enough to do so, "How did you do that? I thought your quirk was Telekinesis!"

"That was good," Kaminari nodded with a grin, "But not as cool as my Electrification quirk."

And F/n got to admit herself, it wasn't. His quirk was clearly stronger than hers but it was the technique that was needed during a fight.

"Thank you," she quietly yet gratefully said, giving them all a single nod, to which they all returned vigorously while Bakugou just clicked his tongue impatiently.

"You have to admit it yourself, Bakugou: It was incredible!" Kirishima stated with a laugh and the other three nodded along.

"Whatever," the boy said, pulling the redhead by the collar and towards the arena.

"Good luck, Kirishima!" Ashido shouted, hands cupped around her mouth.

"Good luck," F/n said but not as loudly as the alien girl.

"Don't burn into crisps!" Kaminari added jokingly, earning a jab in the rib by Sero, who dismissed his comment and sent his friend a thumbs up.

The match ended fairly quickly with Bakugou winning the battle. Sero won against Kaminari, taking advantage of his condition after overusing his quirk and trapping him with his tape.

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