𝄞 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 (1)

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Jin-su," he said.

"Please stop!" said boy pleaded. Fuck, he is getting on my nerves.

Before I could register anything properly, I saw Jin-su swing something metal, and I instantly got on guard. No way I would let myself get hit by this fucker.

Gwi-nam backed up, dodging each of the frail boy's weak swings.

"Cut that shit out." The guy next to me shouted as I watched Jin-su roll a few feet, however, he quickly arose again, continuing to try his hardest to land at least one hit. Holy shit, not only is he weak, he can't do shit to save his life.

I watched as the fight continued and continued, yet I still hadn't had the chance to do anything. What's even the point of me being here? Not like Gwi-nam would need any help anyways.

Gwi-nam kicked Jin-su to the ground, watching him fall into a puddle before kicking his bag into the dirty water too.

"Hey, it's splashing all over me!" the smoking girl beside me complained. It's just water, shut the fuck up you mink bitch.

"This fucker. Gwi-nam spoke about Jin-su with his back turned to him. "Have you gone mental or something?" He walked back over to Jin-su, who was on all fours in the puddle, grabbing the back of his shirt and hair, throwing him back down to the concrete, panting. Monkey looking ass. I smirked at the thought, shaking my head and watching as Gwi-nam stomped on Jin-su's side, getting a choked grunt from him as a reaction.

"Asshole," Gwi-nam muttered. He continued to beat Jin-su, continuously stepping on him.

"Fuck you, you fucking bastard," Gwi-nam remarked. Out of breath, Gwi-nam sees that Jin-su doesn't look like he'd be able to stand up for a while and rests, hands to his knees and clothing drenched from the heavy rain.

"Fuck," he said.

Wait... I swear a moment ago, I heard a cracking noise and saw Jin-su twitch abnormally for a moment. The fuck is wrong with him? The weird fucker. Nevermind that. Gwi-nam pressed his foot against the side of Jin-su's head, pressing harder by twisting his foot into him with more pressure. I saw Jin-su bleeding from his mouth and dripping onto the floor - but do I feel bad? No lmao.

My eyebrows furrowed together as Jin-su's mouth was bleeding quite a lot considering the hits he was receiving. However, he is weak. What else would I expect from a weak person? He pushed Gwi-nam's foot off of him, quickly getting to his knees, right before being knocked right back down with a kick to his face.

"Hey, stop it. Stop," I heard Myung-hwan say, clearly bored now. I was as well, shit.

While Gwi-nam had his back turned and was walking away, I saw Jin-su begin to contort like a fucking weirdo, as the sound of his bones was audible. What! Seriously, what's wrong with this fucking freak...

"This bastard pisses me off," someone said. Whoever said it, I wholeheartedly agree. Jin-su began charging at Gwi-nam, before tackling him into a pile of plastic trash cans. Pissed. Myung-hwan closes his umbrella, raising and swinging it at Jin-su, yet somehow he's unphased, which is strange, considering how weak the bitch was 5 minutes ago.

"Gwi-nam, help me!" he yelled as said guy went to assist, dragging and throwing the crazed boy to the ground for like the 72nd time so far.

Nevertheless, Jin-su regained his stance without struggle. He was now right in front of me as I was scared shitless. Who wouldn't be when some weak guy can suddenly withstand any attack thrown at them and keeps cracking and contorting?! I threw my umbrella to the floor, uncaring about whether I get soaked from head to toe and ran nearer to Gwi-nam.

"What's wrong with this guy bro?!" I ask him, rolling my eyes when he answers with,
"Fuck, how should I know?!" the maniac boy charged at us again, aiming for me before Gwi-nam drags me out of the way...by my hair. However, that's the least of my worries as I turn to see Ji-su tumble over the edge of the roof, making a loud thud once he comes into contact with a store sign before falling to what I assume was his death. Gwi-nam looks over as well, eyes wide at the sight. Not long after, Myung-hwan pushed me to the side as he went to see for himself. Gwi-nam and Myung-hwan both looked at each other.

"What? You scared?" he asked Gwi-nam.
"No. I'm not scared."
"Yeah, right." he slapped Gwi-nam on the back of his head, before turning and starting to leave I only watch Gwi-nam as his breaths were unsteady and his eyes showed his petrification.

"Gwi. You okay?" I ask him.

"Of course I fucking am, you think I'm weak?"

I sigh.

"I never said that babes."

There's no point talking to him right now.

"Damn it," Gwi-nam spoke, before grabbing my wrist and speedwalking away with me.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ҽɳԃ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

I kind of just went with the flow for this chapter! I was expecting it to be longer though \(°-°;)/ usually my chapters are 2k - 4k words long so 1433 is quite short, wouldn't you think aha... ⊙﹏⊙
Because of this, I decided to delay the release of this chapter (written on 9/6/22) so that I could provide more chapters to read~ because dont you just hate when theres one super short chapter (ー_ー゛)... ah! also on another note, all chapters will be based off of scenes I guess..? I dont really like the idea ಠ_ಠ the chapters would be way too short~ but it i made them a whole episode long then they would be too long!! ack! nobody told me that this would be so hardd (╥﹏╥) i also apologise dearly for making self insert a part of the bullies (*・~・*) i just havent seen any fics where y/n is a bully so i wanted to switch it up a bit (• ▽ •;)...
bully at night, normal person by day
Σ(・o・;) chaha...also we arent going to talk about how many kaomoji i use..
(*° ~ °*) its embarrassing 😭‼️🙏
also im tempted to make y/n as horny as i am lowkey ngl... (ノ_-;)... so... theres that ig!🙏 also constructive criticism is always welcome! dont hold back
(•ˋ _ ˊ•)
...actually please hold back i dont want to cry..😭‼️☹️ if this is a slow burn then please remember that its not purposeful... but if theres angst...blame me. 😇 sorry not sorry! btw i also take canon very seriously...unless its a death i care about....teehee!!! so u wont see a lot of headcanons and shit in this book unless you beg me 🤭😍

remember that jai is your bae 😍


(Edited on 9th Aug 2022)

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