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  100 years before
Narrator pov*
   A small suffering village is seen just before the wood. This village was once a beautiful town full of laughter, joy, and wonderful people. Now it's a husk of what beauty it once was, and the people are praying for help. They're previous lord passed away and along with him, went his good nature. Now the villagers are left in disarray as building's fall, people leave, and monster's attack. There is only one hope the village has to rely on, a conduit. There is a legend almost forgotten, about a person called a conduit. These conduits attract the elements, and help bring justice and happiness back to the land. Though these people help, live, and return happiness, they have no memory of their past, or who their family was.

  After praying for months, the village's prayers were answered. Above the treeline a bright light can be seen in the distance. This light however, is only there for a few moments before it dissipates into darkness. Few people noticed, but the ones who did, knew they're prayers had finally been answered.

  *1 meter (3 feet) away*
There was a young man stranded, he knew not his home, where he was, or how he found himself there, but he did know his name. The young man sat up, groaning, and running his hand through his long, light brown hair. "Ugh, where am I?" He proclaimed in confusion, He looked around and set his sights on a dull light in the distance. "What's that?" He stood up, brushed off his armour, and started the trek to investigate the light source. After a few minutes he began to question why he was in the middle of the forest "How...did I get here. How did I get Armour? What's my name again?... Kris? Yeah! That's it!". After his short self interrogation he began to fasten his pace, only to find himself in front of a decrepit village. The newly named Kris felt a pull towards this village, almost like it was his purpose to be there.

He approached and found a beautiful young woman, wearing a long blue dress with flower patterns sown in, waiting outside the gate for him. She laid her eyes on him and immediately spoke "You! You're our conduit aren't you?" A look of confusion struck across his face, the woman noticed "Ooohhh right! You don't remember anything, duh Sophie!". Kris tested the name under his breath "Sophie.." "I'll explain everything". Sophie soon went into detail about how a conduit was sent by an unknown source but always answered the call of a desperate village looking for help. Sophie then explained that they usually appear to gather the elementals but they hadn't been sighted in years. Kris had no idea how to feel, so he simply asked "What happened to this village?" A saddened look suddenly crossed the chipper, amber haired girl "from stories and what I remember, our lord died and ever since then our village has fallen into disrepair" A pull on his heartstrings told Kris what he was to do "I'll help rebuild!" He suddenly blurted Sophie's optimistic attitude suddenly reappeared "REALLY? You will!?" Kris nodded his head.

     *20 years later*
  A beautiful village now stood where the decrepit, Gray village once lay. At the top of the hill was a now, 40 year old Lord Kris, who married Sophie and had 3 wonderful children who were now grown. Though he seemed chipper and happy, his health had started to rapidly decrease ever since the village was finished almost 7 years ago. Kris lay on a king sized bed with Sophie sitting beside him, who was only recently informed of his health deterioration, "Why didn't you tell me sooner Kris?" She said with tears in her eyes "I didn't want to worry you, or the kids" Three young adults ran in the room "POP!"
A brunette yelled out, following right after was a reddish-brown haired woman holding a one year old child "Pa, why didn't you say anything sooner?" Kris looked away from his wife, "You three know me, I never want to stress, worry, or hurt you" the last male to enter said "I know pop, but you could've at least warned us?" Kris then let out a low chuckle and nodded "I'm leaving the house to your mother, please help her take care of it, along with herself?" The three young adults nod. Kris spoke again "Kyle, Apollo, I'm sorry I won't be here to watch you marry, And Amy?" The girl nodded "Take care of my grand baby Mason okay? Take as much advise from your mother as you can, she did raise you 3 terrors after all" every body in the room chuckled.

  Soon after Kris looked to the roof, smiled and said "I love you, all of you" and those were his last words. The family burst into tears and watched him fade away leaving his wedding ring, conduits aren't like humans, when they pass they deteriorate slowly, then fade away.
Recently, Kris had seen hints that the elementals would soon rise, but he knew he wouldn't be there to help. It would be another 100 years before another conduit entered the world after all.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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