Chap 8: Late Night Escapedes

Start from the beginning

Although Wanyin was silent, judging by his breathing patterns, Hua Yuan doubts the man was actually asleep.

Jiang Wanyin doesn't respond right away, instead shuffling around abit before rolling onto his back. He shakes his head in a 'no'.

Hua Yuan quirks a little smile at him, "Neither can I." Then, he grins as an idea hits him and he gets out of bed. After putting on outer robes and his shoes, he extends a hand out to Wanyin. "Care to take a walk with me outside?" 

The older man considers the outstretched hand for a moment before he hesitantly takes his hand, "Alright."
(Jiang Cheng's Pov)

Jiang Cheng does the same as Master Hua–er, Yongrui and puts on his shoes and his outer robes.

When he was ready, Hua Yongrui takes his hand again and they both sneak out of the house.

Yongrui uses his Tree Whispering Technique and calls for the tree they stand on to create a path for them. The tree obeys and it starts growing a wide branch, and it even starts sprouting 'railings' along its edges.

The branch twists and turns and attaches itself to a platform a few hundred metres away from them; making a shortcut of sorts.

Jiang Cheng glanced back at the house and thought about going back to grab Sandu or Zidian–having left both of them by the nightstand table.

Hua Yongrui doesn't give him a chance to change his mind as he's pulled along. They start running, their new walkway wide enough that they could walk freely without getting too close to the edge.

Their hastiliy slipped on shoes thump softly against the enchanted path, their undone hair being carried up by the cooling winds.

Jiang Cheng reaches out and runs his fingers through the wisteria flowers hanging from a tree above them¹.

Taking in his surroundings, he notices that Aster Grove was even more gorgeous at night. Different flowers and trees that normally wouldn't be able to survive deep in a forest thrived here in harmony.

And at night, some of the flowers glow faintly, creating an enchanting atomosphere. It felt especially romantic tonight.

Jiang Cheng feels like they're both misbehaving disciples breaking curfew, as Hua Yongrui takes the lead and brings them to the other side of the clan compound.

Beams of moonlight stream through the trees and light up Hua Yongrui's tanned skin. The moonlight highlights the curve of his cheeks and made his smile even more radiant.

Hua Yongrui spins his head back to grin at him, "Try to keep up, Wanyin!"

Jiang Cheng squeezes their locked hands tighter. He changes his mind: he pictures them as forbidden lovers running away from home to elope. His heart pounds and the first word that pops into his head is 'beautiful'.

They eventually arrive at the training court, which made Jiang Cheng curious of Hua Yongrui's intentions. Did he bring me here to spar with me?

He parts his mouth to ask but Yongrui lets go of his hand so he could unlock the doors to the room on the other side.

Yongrui doesn't open the doors fully, and requests for Jiang Cheng to close his eyes. Jiang Cheng doesn't question anything and does as told, but secretly spreads his sense in case Hua Yongrui indeed wanted to spar with him.

Is sparring considered romantic for Hua Clan members? 

Jiang Cheng wasn't sure what to expect when Hua Yongrui pulled him through the door.

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